Zeng, S. Y.; Wang, C. Y.; Yang, C.; Zheng, Z. J., Limited Lithium Loading Promises Improved Lithium-Metal Anodes in Interface-Modified 3D Matrixes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 41065.
上一条:Wang, C.; Yang, C.; Zheng, Z., Toward Practical High-Energy and High-Power Lithium Battery Anodes: Present and Future. Adv. Sci. 2022, 9, e2105213.
下一条:Yang, C.; Wu, Q.; Xie, W.; Zhang, X.; Brozena, A.; Zheng, J.; Garaga, M. N.; Ko, B. H.; Mao, Y.; He, S.; Gao, Y.; Wang, P.; Tyagi, M.; Jiao, F.; Briber, R.; Albertus, P.; Wang, C.; Greenbaum, S.; Hu, Y.-Y.; Isogai, A.; Winter, M.; Xu, K.; Qi, Y.; Hu, L., Copper-coordinated cellulose ion conductors for solid-state batteries. Nature 2021, 598, 590 (2022 R&D100 Award)