Zhang, R, Yao, F, Gao, F, Abou-Samra, AB: Nrac, a novel nutritionally-regulated adipose and cardiac-enriched gene. PLoS ONE 2012, 7(9):e46254.
上一条:Luo, H, Lin, Y, Gao, F, Zhang, C-T, Zhang, R: DEG 10, an update of the database of essential genes that includes both protein-coding genes and noncoding genomic elements. Nucleic Acids Research 2014, 42(D1):D574-D580(ESI高被引论文)(被Science、Nature Biotechnology 、Nature Reviews Genetics? 、Cell Research等杂志SCI引用283次).
下一条:Yang, Z-G, Gao, F, Zhang, C-T: Comparison of Journal Self-Citation Rates between Some Chinese and Non-Chinese International Journals. PLoS ONE 2012, 7(11):e49001.