Y. Qiu*, H. Wang, S. Gebhardt, A. Bolhovitins, C.E.M. Démoré, A. Schönecker, and S. Cochran, “Screen-printed ultrasonic 2-D matrix array transducers for microparticle manipulation,” Ultrasonics, vol. 62, pp. 136–146, Sep. 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2015.05.010.
上一条:R. McPhillips*, Z. Qiu, Yun Jiang, S.O. Mahboob, Han Wang, C. Meggs, G. Schiavone, D.R. Sanmartin, S. Eljamel, M.P.Y. Desmulliez, T. Button, S. Cochran, and C.E.M. Demore, “Ex-vivo navigation of neurosurgical biopsy needles using microultrasound transducers with M-mode imaging,” in 2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), IEEE, Oct. 2015, pp. 1–4. doi: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2015.0029.
下一条:P. O’Mahoney*, G.W. Brodie, H. Wang, C.E.M. Demore, S. Cochran, G.C. Spalding, and M.P. MacDonald, “Hybrid optical and acoustic force based sorting,” in Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XI, K. Dholakia and G. C. Spalding, Eds., Sep. 2014, p. 916421. doi: 10.1117/12.2064276.