Wen Hang

School of Earth System Science

Professional Title

Associate professor

Contact Information


Brief Introduction

I define myself as a hydro-biogeochemist with interdisciplinary backgrounds in environmental science, geoscience, and energy engineering. My research focuses on developing a better understanding of how terrestrial water and water quality are influenced by climate change and human perturbations through both data analysis and the process-based modeling.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?user=AKd0YoQAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=sra

Education Background
  • Doctoral degree| The Pennsylvania State University| Energy and Mineral Engineering| 2017
  • Master’s Degree| Peking University| Environmental Science| 2012
  • Bachelor’s Degree| Huazhong University of Science and Technology| Environmental Engineering| 2009
Research Interests
  • Hydro-biogeochemistry
  • Carbon cycle
  • Chemical weathering
  • 简易模型开发
  • Contaminant transport
  • Critical Zone
Positions & Employments
  • 2021.1-Now

     Tianjin Univeristy | 副教授 
  • 2018.1-2020.12

     The Pennsylvania State University | Postdoc 
Academic Achievements