- 教师拼音名称:Bai Xiaodong
- 性别:男
- 职称:副教授
- 75555e1e017188b47344d06e03e9aa21034f88c3321d1f2a64bf1f36c81e8f1d3eb30fe8f649751337e76ed69faed301b222a05325a0ece3a747b0a5d5e9ad5fcd2826c20690f5c90d29290fe386111e779a9fdeffcbf18368e238e74b08d7b3cb4acba4e798df81f062dbc84ad6b6800ad6bbc615f2f602941f8c5370da602e
- 4589dd69cde499fe705fab038e4f83c6f17944e722f7a873ce275a077bd5ae89840a1578dc8f1c07b30f4f8b267e3f0fd3992da6edf352cecbca9253bbb959125201efc1452ae0a0a36b9809b9f463e35590fe190fd33a13ff5a94cd91031060ab2cb5ca6136de3c3795987bce1064db59f812fff0eba8ea22f8b4ac1368b7e6
· Bai XD, Luo HB, Xie P, 2020. Experimental analysis of hydrodynamic response of the twin-barge floatover installation for mega topsides. Ocean Engineering 219:108302.
· Bai XD, Luo HB, Xie P, 2020. Experimental investigation on motions behavior and loads characteristic of floatover installation with T-shaped barge. Ocean Engineering 195:106761.
· Zhao YP, Bai XD*, Dong GH, Bi CW, 2019. Deformation and stress distribution of floating collar of net cage in steady current. Ships and Offshore Structures 14:371-383.
· Bai XD, Zhao YP, Dong GH, Bi CW, 2018. Probabilistic analysis and fatigue life assessment of floating collar of fish cage due to random wave loads. Applied Ocean Research 81:91-105.
· Bai XD, Xu TJ, Zhao YP, Dong GH, 2016. Fatigue assessment for the floating collar of a fish cage using the deterministic method in waves. Aquacultural Engineering 74 131-142.
· Bai Xiaodong, Zhao Yunpeng, Dong Guohai, Li Yucheng, 2015. Hydrodynamic analysis of elastic floating collars in random waves. China Ocean Engineering 29(2), 341-356.
· Zhao Yunpeng, Bai Xiaodong, Dong Guohai, Bi Chunwei, Gui Fukun, 2014. Numerical analysis of the elastic response of a floating collar in waves. Ocean Engineering 95, 175-182
· Zhao Yunpeng, Wang Xinxin, Jud Decew, Igor Tsukrov, Bai Xiaodong, Bi Chunwei, 2015. Comparative study of two approaches to model the offshore fish cages. China Ocean Engineering 29(3), 459-472.
· 骆寒冰,汪敬翔,白晓东,李怀亮,秦立成,朱绍华. 基于快速载荷转移技术的浮托安装分步试验和数值模拟研究[J].中国造船.2020.61(02).
· 骆寒冰,刘玉廷,谢芃,白晓东.涌浪环境下大型起重船吊装上部组块耦合运动响应模型试验研究[J].中国海上油气,2020,32(01):149-156.