School of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Associate professor
Building 50, Room C210
Yang Wang is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University. He obtained a B.S. degree in Chemical Process Machinery at Tianjin University, and continued his studies to obtain a joint Ph.D. degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Tianjin University. He then did his postdoctoral work at IMDEA Energy in Spain, and joined Tianjin University shortly after. Dr. Wang pursues a broad range of research interests that lie in the characterization and application of electroactive interfaces and functional nanomaterials. The activities focus on electrochemical energy storage(supercapacitors) and electrochemical water treatment(capacitive deionization). He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles in top journals including Chemical Engineering Journal, Desalination, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, etc. Dr. Wang is a member of American Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemsitry and Electrochemical Society. He currently serves as the guest editor for Coatings. He has been granted 3 projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China and also serves as the reviewer for NSFC.
- Joint Ph.D.| University of Wisconsin-Madison| Environmental Chemistry and Technology| 2016
- Ph.D.| Tianjin University| Chemical Process Machinery| 2017
- B.S.| Tianjin University| Process Equipment and Control Engineering| 2011
- M.S.| Tianjin University| Chemical Process Machinery| 2013
- 1. Development of porous carbon materials and two-dimensional materials based on interface regulation and their applications in capacitive deionization and supercapacitors
2. Low-grade energy capture and utilization such as flow-induced vibration of process equipment
- Guest Editor, Coatings.
Committee Member, Vebleo
Technical Committee Member, Water Energy Nexus
Member, The Electrochemical Society
Member, American Chemical Society
Member, Royal Society of Chemistry
Member, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China
Reviewer, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Energy Storage Materials, Desalination, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Atmospheric Environment, etc.
 School of Chemical Engineering and Technology | Associate Professor  -
 School of Chemical Engineering and Technology | Assistant Professor  -
Electrochemical Process Unit | IMDEA Energy (Spain) | Postdoctoral Researcher  -
失业保险司 | Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China 
- Papers
- [1] Y. Wang, I. Vázquez-Rodríguez, C. Santos, E. García-Quismondo, J. Palma, M. A. Anderson, J. J. Lado*, Graphite Felt 3D Framework Composites as an Easy to Scale Capacitive Deionization Electrode for Brackish Water Desalination, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 392, 123698-123708.
- [2] Y. Wang, M. I. Tejedor-Tejedor, W. Tan, M. A. Anderson*, Importance of Protons and Specifically Adsorbing Ions on Changing Capacitance, Space Charge Potential Inside the Solid, and Interfacial Potential at the TiO2 Aqueous Solution Interface, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 219, 577-587.
- [3] Y. Wang, M. I. Tejedor-Tejedor, W. Tan, M. A. Anderson*, Influence of Solution Chemistry on the Dielectric Properties of TiO2 Thin-Film Porous Electrodes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 21543-21551.
- [4] Y. Wang#, F. Zheng#, Q. Pan, D. Deng, L. Liu*, B. Chen*, A Three-dimensional NiCo-LDH Array Modified Halloysite Nanotube Composite for High-performance Battery-type Supercapacitor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 884, 161162-161170.
- [5] L. Liu, C. Zhao, F. Zheng, D. Deng, M. A. Anderson, Y. Wang*, Three-Dimensional Electrode Design with Conductive Fibers and Ordered Macropores for Enhanced Capacitive Deionization Performance, Desalination, 2021, 498, 114797-114806.
- [6] Q. Pan, F. Zheng, D. Deng, B. Chen*, Y. Wang*, Interlayer Spacing Regulation of NiCo-LDH Nanosheets with Ultrahigh Specific Capacity for Battery-Type Supercapacitors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 56692−56703.
- [7] S. Ntakirutimana, W. Tan, M. A. Anderson, Y. Wang*, Activated Carbon Electrode Design: Engineering Tradeoff with Respect to Capacitive Deionization, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167, 143501-1430520. (Editor’s Choice)
- [8] D. Deng, M. K. Luhasile, H. Li, Q. Pan, F. Zheng, Y. Wang*, A novel layered activated carbon with rapid ion transport through chemical activation of chestnut inner shell for capacitive deionization, Desalination, 2022, 115685.
- [9] W. Tan, T. Gao, Y. Wang*, Influence of Surface Potential on the Capacitive Performance of TiO2 Thin-Film Electrode with Different Crystalline Forms, Langmuir, 2020, 36, 3836-3842.
- [10] D. Deng, B. Chen, F. Zheng, C. Zhao, Y. Wang*, Importance of Anode/Cathode Mass Loadings on Capacitive Deionization Performance, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168, 053503-053511.
- [11] S. Ntakirutimana, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Enhanced Surface Activity of Activated Carbon by Surfactants Synergism, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 26519-26531.
- [12] L. Liu, Y. Pang, D. Lv, K. Wang, Y. Wang*, Thermal and Kinetic Analyzing of Pyrolysis and Combustion of Self-heating Biomass Particles, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 151, 39-50.
- [13] L. Liu, C. Yang, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Degradation of Acid Red 73 by Activated Persulfate in Heat/Fe3O4@AC System with Ultrasound Intensification, ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 23, 13739-13750.
- [14] X. Shi, W. Tan, L. Liu, W. Cao, Y. Wang*, G. Zhu*, Separation of Exfoliated Tumor Cells from Viscoelastic Pleural Effusion Using a Microfluidic Sandwich Structure, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2020, 412, 5513-5523.
- [15] L. Liu, Y. Pang, D. Lv, K. Wang, Y. Wang*, Self-sustaining smoldering characteristics of corn straw powder stacks, ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 9928-9939.
- [16] K. Guo, C. Tian, Y. Wang, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, An Energy-based Model for Impact-sliding Fretting Wear between Tubes and Anti-vibration Bars in Steam Generators, Tribology International, 2020, 148, 106305-106315.
- [17] X. Fan, Z. Wang, X. Chen, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, Experimental investigation on flow-induced vibration of flexible multi cylinders in atmospheric boundary layer, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 183, 105815-105829.
- [18] X. Fan, Z. Wang, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, The effect of vortices structures on the flow-induced vibration of three flexible tandem cylinders, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 192, 106132-106149.
- [19] X. Fan, K. Guo, Z. Jia, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, Vibration Mode and Velocity Interference Mechanism of Tandem Cylinders at Subcritical Reynolds Number, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 199, 104136-104149.
- [20] W. Tan, D. Lv, X. Guo, H. Du, L. Liu, Y. Wang*, Accident Consequence Calculation of Ammonia Dispersion in Factory Area, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2020, 67, 104271-104280.
- [21] L. Liu, K. Shi, X. Fan, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Risk and Characteristics Analysis of the Flow-induced Vibration of the Dip Tube in Opposed Multi-burner Gasifier, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2021, 71, 104508-104516.
- [22] K. Guo, N. Jiang, H. Qi, Z. Feng, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, Experimental Investigation of Impact-sliding Interaction and Fretting Wear between Tubes and Anti-vibration Bars in Steam Generators, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020, 52, 1304-1317.
- [23] W. Tan, X. Fan, L. Xu, Z. Jia, Y. Wang*, New Approach for Vibration Suppression through Restrictors on Towering Steel Structures with Supporting Frame, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 8761750.
- [24] K. Guo, Z. Han, Y. Wang, Y. Wang*, W. Tan*, An Investigation of Impact-Sliding Behavior and Fretting Wear of Tubes against Different Supports in Steam Generators, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2020, 72(10), 1295-1301.
- [25] L. Liu, R. Zhang, Y Liu, H. Zhu, W. Tan, G. Zhu, Y. Wang*, Effects of Solvent Molecules on the Interlayer Spacing of Graphene Oxide, Transactions of Tianjin University, 2018, 24, 555-562.
- [26] X. Fan, Y. Wang, Wei Tan*, Aerodynamic wake oscillator for modeling flow-induced vibration of tandem cylinders with short spans, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 204, 106548.
- [27] Y. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Wang, G. Zhu and W. Tan*, The Rheological Behavior of Graphite Oxide/Cation Polyacrylamide Suspensions, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 102938-102946.
- [28] W. Tan, C. Li, K. Wang, G. Zhu, Y. Wang, L. Liu, Dispersion of Carbon Dioxide Plume in Street Canyons, Process Safety and Environment Protection, 2018, 116, 235-242.
- [29] W. Tan, K. Wang, C. Li, L. Liu, Y. Wang, G. Zhu, Experimental and Numerical Study on the Dispersion of Heavy Gases in Urban Environments, Process Safety and Environment Protection, 2018, 116, 640-643.
- [30] W. Tan, T. Gao, Y. Wang*, Study on the Effect of Voltage Range and Open Circuit Potential on Capacitive Deionization Performance, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities, 2019. (In Chinese)
- [31] Y. Wang, F. Zheng, Q. Pan, L. Liu*, Effect of Interlayer Regulation on Electrochemical Properties of Lay-ered Double Hydroxides, Journal of Tianjin University: Science and Technology, 2021. (In Chinese)
- [32] L. Liu, C. Yang, P. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Wang, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Measurement of Ultrasonic Cavitation Intensity by Spectrum Analysis and Improved Electrical Conductivity Method, Journal of Tianjin University: Science and Technology, 2021, 54(3), 303-310. (In Chinese)
- [33] L. Liu, K. Shi, T. Wu, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Particles Motion and Collision Characteristics of Water-scrubbing Cooling Chamber in an Opposed Multi-burner Gasifier, Journal of Tianjin University: Science and Technology, 2021. (In Chinese)
- [34] Q. Pan, F. Zheng, Y. Wang*, Experimental investigation on epoxy coating doped with natural clay in corrosive environment, Pressure Vessel Technology, 2021. (In Chinese)
- [35] Z. Cao, X. Guo, X. Bai, Y. Wang, W. Tan, Y. Wang*, Life evaluation system of coal gasifier based on a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, Chemical Machinery, 2021. (In Chinese)
- [36] L. Liu, C. Zhao, S. Li, Y. Wang*, Experimental Study of Settleability from Fine Laterite Nickel Ore with Dual-Flocculant, Mining and Metallurgy, 2019. (In Chinese)
- [37] W. Tan, X. Chen, Y. Wang*, G. Zhu, Research on the Structure of a Novel Thickener Feedwell, Chemical Industry and Engineering, 2017. (In Chinese)
- [38] L. Meng, W. Tan, S. Yang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Cui, Experimental Study on the Recycling of Filter Cloth for Disc Pressure Filter, Modern Chemical Industry, 2015. (In Chinese)
- [39] W. Tan, L. Meng, S. Yang, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Shao, Recycling and Cleaning of Filter Cloth Used in High Alkaline Copper Concentrate Filtering, Metal Mine, 2014. (In Chinese)
- Patents
- [1] [1] Y. Wang, C. Zhao, L. Liu, A rotary consecutive desalination unit based on capacitive deionization, 201920122830.X.
- [2] [2] W. Tan, L. Meng, Y. Wang, L. Liu, Rinsing agent for filter cloth used for pressure filtration of copper concentrate, CN103589526B.
- [3] [3] W. Tan, L. Meng, Y. Wang, L. Liu, Method for rinsing multi-wire filter cloth used for pressure filtration of copper concentrate, CN103585821B.
- [4] [4] L. Liu, C. Zhao, Y. Wang, A preparation method for 3-dimensional ordered porous electrode in capacitive deionization, 202010434039.X.
- [5] [5] W. Tan, C. Wang, B. Li, Y. Wang, A modified fiber felt and a preparation method thereof, 201910841116.0.