Wang Yang

School of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Professional Title

Associate professor

Contact Information



Building 50, Room C210

Brief Introduction

Yang Wang is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University. He obtained a B.S. degree in Chemical Process Machinery at Tianjin University, and continued his studies to obtain a joint Ph.D. degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Tianjin University. He then did his postdoctoral work at IMDEA Energy in Spain, and joined Tianjin University shortly after. Dr. Wang pursues a broad range of research interests that lie in the characterization and application of electroactive interfaces and functional nanomaterials. The activities focus on electrochemical energy storage(supercapacitors) and electrochemical water treatment(capacitive deionization). He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles in top journals including Chemical Engineering Journal, Desalination, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, etc. Dr. Wang is a member of American Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemsitry and Electrochemical Society. He currently serves as the guest editor for Coatings. He has been granted 3 projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China and also serves as the reviewer for NSFC.

Education Background
  • Joint Ph.D.| University of Wisconsin-Madison| Environmental Chemistry and Technology| 2016
  • Ph.D.| Tianjin University| Chemical Process Machinery| 2017
  • B.S.| Tianjin University| Process Equipment and Control Engineering| 2011
  • M.S.| Tianjin University| Chemical Process Machinery| 2013
Research Interests
  • 1. Development of porous carbon materials and two-dimensional materials based on interface regulation and their applications in capacitive deionization and supercapacitors  
    2. Low-grade energy capture and utilization such as flow-induced vibration of process equipment
Professional Membership
  • Guest Editor, Coatings.
    Committee Member, Vebleo
    Technical Committee Member, Water Energy Nexus
    Member, The Electrochemical Society
    Member, American Chemical Society
    Member, Royal Society of Chemistry
    Member, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China
    Reviewer, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Energy Storage Materials, Desalination, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Atmospheric Environment, etc.
Positions & Employments
  • 2021.6-Now

     School of Chemical Engineering and Technology | Associate Professor 
  • 2017.4-2021.5

     School of Chemical Engineering and Technology | Assistant Professor 
  • 2017.1-2017.9

    Electrochemical Process Unit | IMDEA Energy (Spain) | Postdoctoral Researcher 
  • 2016.7-2016.8

    失业保险司 | Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China 
Academic Achievements