Yang Ye
School of Earth System Science
Professional Title
Teaching Assistant
Administrative Appointments
Contact Information
Education Background
- 联合培养| 德国科隆大学| 地球化学| 2022
- 访问生| 英国格拉斯哥大学| 地球化学| 2020
- Doctoral degree| 天津大学| 环境科学| 2022
- 访问生| 法国斯特拉斯堡大学| 地球化学| 2018
- 硕士学位| 天津大学| 环境科学| 2018
- 学士学位| 中国地质大学(北京)| 地质学| 2016
Research Interests
- 风化剥蚀与环境
- 地貌学与地质年代学
Positions & Employments
地球系统科学学院 | 天津大学 
Academic Achievements
- Papers
- [1] Yang, Y.(杨业), Binnie, S.A., Xu, S., Liu, C.-Q., Dunai, T.J., 2024. Constraints on millennial-scale basin-wide denudation across mountain belts, Asia. Sci. China-Earth Sci., https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-11024-11420-11438
- [2] Yang, Y. (杨业), Zhang, S.-C., Zhang, J.-X., Cui, L.-F., Liu, C.-Q., Xu, S., 2024. Quantifying denudation rates and sediment recycling of low-relief, high-elevation landscapes using in-situ and meteoric cosmogenic nuclides. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 370, 78-88.
- [3] Yang, Y. (杨业), Xu, S., Binnie, S.A., Ritter, B., Cui, L.-F., Cao, Z.-P., Zhang, S.-C., Liu, C.-Q., Dunai, T.J., 2022. Late Cenozoic locally landslide-dammed lakes across the Middle Yangtze River. Geomorphology 413, 108366.
- [4] Yang, Y. (杨业), Cui, L.-F., Xu, S., Cao, Z.-P., Zhang, S.-C., Liu, C.-Q., 2022. Deciphering non-steady landscape evolution by in-situ cosmogenic nuclide depth profile. Sci. China-Earth Sci. 65, 490-502.
- [5] Yang, Y. (杨业), Cui, L.-F., Xu, S., Liu, C.-Q., Fabel, D., 2021. Topographic relief response to fluvial incision in the central Tibetan Plateau: evidence from cosmogenic 10Be. J. Geophys. Res.-Earth Surf. 126, e2021JF006111.
- [6] Yang, Y. (杨业), Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Xu, S., Liu, C.-Q., Wang, S., Stuart, F.M., Fabel, D., 2021. In situ cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al and 21Ne dating in sediments from the Guizhou Plateau, southwest China. Sci. China-Earth Sci. 64, 1305-1317.
- [7] Yang, Y. (杨业), Lang, Y.-C., Xu, S., Liu, C.-Q., Cui, L.-F., Freeman, S.P.H.T., Wilcken, K.M., 2020. Combined unsteady denudation and climatic gradient factors constrain carbonate landscape evolution: New insights from in situ cosmogenic 36Cl. Quat. Geochronol. 58, 101075.
- [8] Yang, Y. (杨业), Liu, C.-Q., Van der Woerd, J., Xu, S., Cui, L.-F., Zhao, Z.-Q., Wang, Q.-L., Jia, G.-D., Chabaux, F., 2019. New constraints on the late Quaternary landscape evolution of the eastern Tibetan Plateau from 10Be and 26Al in-situ cosmogenic nuclides. Quat. Sci. Rev. 220, 244-262.
- [9] Yang, Y. (杨业), Shi, Y., Anderson, J.L., 2018. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages and geochemistry of Late Mesozoic granitoids in Western Zhejiang and Southern Anhui: constraints on the model of lithospheric thinning of Southeast China. Int. Geol. Rev. 11-14, 1594-1620.
- [10] Cao, Z.-P., Yang, Y. (杨业), Xu, S., Xu, H., Gu, Z., Chu, G., 2023. Authigenic beryllium isotopes reveal fluctuations in the East Asian monsoon over the past two millennia. Quat. Sci. Rev. 306, 108043
- [11] Cao Z-P, Yang Y (杨业), Chen B-Y, Xu S. 2022. The 14C reservoir effects and paleoclimatic reconstructions in Lake Qinghai, northeastern Tibet. Quat Int, 637: 21-31
- [12] Cui, L., Yang, Y. (杨业), Xu, S., Zhao, Z., Mao, H., Zhang, X., Tu, C., Zhang, Z., Liu, W., Liu, C., 2021. Denudation rates of granitic regolith along climatic gradient in Eastern China. Geomorphology 390, 107872.
- [13] Jia, G.-D., Chabaux, F., van der Woerd, J., Pelt, E., di Chiara, R., Ackerer, J., Zhao, Z.-Q., Yang, Y. (杨业), Xu, S., Liu, C.-Q., 2021. Determination of regolith production rates from 238U-234U-230Th disequilibrium in deep weathering profiles (Longnan, SE China). Chem. Geol. 574, 120241.
- [14] 张顺成, 杨业, 崔丽峰, 徐胜. 2022. 宇宙成因核素26Al/10Be约束贵州涟江流域沉积物埋藏历史. 地球与环境, 50: 439-447
- [15] 胡滢, 董克君, 崔丽峰, 杨业, 张小龙, 徐胜, 刘丛强. 2020. 富钴结壳的10Be、26Al定年方法初步研究. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 39: 116-124