Shao Yanxiu, Daoyang Yuan, Michael E. Oskin, Pengtao Wang, Jing Liu-Zeng, Cuiping Li, Zhao Wu. 2017. Historical (Yuan Dynasty) earthquake on the North Danghe Nanshan Thrust, western Qilian Shan, China. Bulletin of Seismological Society America, vol. 107 no. 3 1175-1184, doi: 10.1785/0120160289.
上一条:Shao, Y.*, Liu-Zeng, J.*, Oskin, M. E., Elliott, A. J., Wang, P., 2018, Paleoseismic investigation of the Aksay restraining double-bend, Altyn Tagh fault, and its implication for barrier-breaching ruptures, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123: 4307–4330,
下一条:邵延秀, 刘静, 高云鹏, 王文鑫, 姚文倩, 韩龙飞, 刘志军, 邹小波, 王焱, 李云帅, 刘璐. 同震地表破裂的位移测量与弥散变形分析——以2021年青海玛多MW7.4地震为例[J]. 地震地质, 2022, 44(2): 506-523.