· 2012.2 - 2013.9
美国亚利桑那大学 - 水文与水资源系 - 联合培养博士生
· 2008.9 - 2014.7
中国地质大学(北京) - 地下水科学与工程专业 - 博士
· 2003.9 - 2007.7
吉林大学 - 地下水科学与工程 - 本科
· 2017.7- 至今
天津大学地球系统科学学院  → 在职 → 副教授
· 2013.10 - 2017.2
水文与水资源系/土壤、水、环境系 → 美国亚利桑那大学 → Research Specialist
· 地下水、土壤反演模型;
· 土壤参数化(soil parameterization)
· 数据同化(卡尔曼滤波等)
· 孔隙尺度模拟(格子Boltzmann模拟等)
· 2020.1-至今
美国土壤协会 Vadose Zone journal 副主编
· 2020.4-至今
· 美国地球物理协会(AGU),欧洲地球科学联盟(EGU) ,国际土壤模拟联盟(ISMC),美国土壤学会(SSSA),国际多孔介质协会(Interpore)会员
张永根,天津大学地球系统科学学院副教授、博士生导师,入选“北洋学者·英才副教授”、“北洋学者·青年骨干教师”。本科毕业于吉林大学,博士毕业于中国地质大学(北京),期间赴美国亚利桑那大学水文与水资源系进行联合培养,师从美国工程院院士,世界地下水权威Shlomo Neuman及Marcel Schaap教授,之后在亚利桑那大学土壤系与水文系进行博士后研究。
担任美国土壤学会Vadose Zone Journal副主编;担任国际土壤模拟联盟(ISMC)土壤参数工作小组Co-Leader;受欧洲地球科学联盟(EGU)等国际会议邀请做特邀报告;受Journal of Hydrology期刊邀请撰写相关领域综述;三次荣获美国地球物理协会(AGU)出版期刊年度发表文章被阅读数量最多的作者之一(2017-2018年度Reviews of Geophysics、2018-2019年度WRR、2018-2019年度JAMES);部分研究成果入选ESI高引论文;担任第四届土壤模拟国际会议(4th ISMC conference) 执行主席。
A web-based interface of the Rosetta model developed by Todd Skaggs (USDA-ARS) and Ehsan Ghane (Michigan State University) can be accessed, respectively, by https://www.handbook60.org/rosetta/ and https://dsiweb.cse.msu.edu/rosetta/.
The python version (compatible with python 2 and python 3) of Rosetta 1 and Rosetta 3 code is available for download at http://www.u.arizona.edu/~ygzhang/download.html along with a user manual. This code is intended for users/developers familiar with the python programming language, and it works in Linux, Windows 7+, and Mac OSX, independent of the Operating System.
The rosetta-soil python package by Todd Skaggs (USDA-ARS) is now on pypi https://pypi.org/project/rosetta-soil/ and can be installed with pip install rosetta-soil. The project page with instructions is at https://github.com/usda-ars-ussl/rosetta-soil
The R version of the Rosetta3 code was developed by Dr. Todd Skaggs (USDA-ARS) and you may find the details of how to install, make a prediction, and make graphs of the Rosetta model using R code by accessing http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/ROSETTA-API.html.
2. 全球高分辨率陆面土壤数据集及陆面模式
3. 孔隙尺度模拟
三种不同土壤粒径及利用格子玻尔兹曼(Lattice Boltzmann)模拟的流场图
Welcome to my research website.
I am an associate professor in Tianjin University, which is the first modern university in China. Before joining Tianjin University in July 2017, I was a research specialist / postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science at the University of Arizona since September, 2013, which ranks No.1 in the US in the field of hydrology. I was working with Prof. Marcel Schaap, Regents’ Prof. Shlomo Neuman, and Prof. Alberto Guadagnini at Politecnico Di Milano in Italy. I received my Ph.D in Hydrogeology from China University of Geosciences, Beijing in China in May, 2014; and B.S. in Hydrogeology from Jilin University, Changchun in 2007. In February 2012 to March 2014, I was a visiting student in the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, working with Regents’ Prof. Shlomo Neuman and Prof. Marcel Schaap.
I am interested in a variety of stuff ranging from subsurface flow dynamics in saturated and unsaturated soils, determination of saturated and unsaturated soil hydraulic properties, parameter estimation, geostatistics, uncertainty assessment. For more information, please check my website for details: http://www.u.arizona.edu/~ygzhang