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  • 教师名称:王燕
  • 教师拼音名称:Wang Yan
  • 性别:
  • 学科:Chemical Engineering
  • 职称:副教授


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  • 基本信息

  • 研究方向

  • 获奖情况

  • 论文成果

  • Teaching Courses:

    Reaction Chemical Engineering for undergraduates ( Chinese)

    Simulation of Chemical Process—Aspen Plus for undergraduates ( Chinese)

    Chemical Informatics for undergraduates ( Chinese)

    Selected Journal Papers

    1 Lu Ding, Cai Wangfeng, Wang Yan*. Optimization of the voltage window for long-term capacitive deionization. Desalination, 2017. (DOI 10.1016/j.desal. 2017.09.026)

    2 Liang Zheng, Wangfeng Cai, Xubin Zhang, Yan Wang*. Design and control of reactive dividing-wall column for the synthesis of diethyl carbonate. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. 2017,111:127-140

    3 Wang Yan, Chen Yabin, Zhu Huaigong, et al. Preparation and Electrochemical Application of Praseodymium Modified TiO_2-NTs/SnO_2-Sb Anode by Cyclic Voltammetry Method. Transactions of Tianjin University. 2016, (3): 247-253

    4 Yan Wang*, Hailong Zhang, Jianxia Weiet al.  In situ cyclic voltammogram and UV-vis spectrum monitoring of phenoloxidation on the anode of Ti/Sb-SnO2 under different electrolysis potentials.[J]. Electrochemistry, 2015, 83(8): 590-594

    5 Yan Wang, Xihui Ge, Minqing Zhang, Huaigong Zhu, Zijian Zhang, Ming Wang. Growth characteristic, guest distribution, guest ordering and the stability of urea inclusion compounds with 1-decene, n-decane and mixture of 1-decene and n-decane. Journal of Molecular Structure ,2014, 1058: 259–264

    6 Cai Wangfeng, Zhang Jiao, Zhang Xubin, Wang Yan, Qi Xiangjuan. Enhancement of CO2 absorption under Taylor flow in the presence of fine particle, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013, 21(2): 135-143

    7 Wang Yan, Zuo Shaoqing, Zhu Huaigong, et al. Preparation of PtNi/C Electrocatalysts for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell via Pulse Microwave Assisted Polyol Method. Transactions of Tianjin University. 2013(6): 436-439

    8 Chen, Pengfei Du, Mingxing Lei, HeWang, Yan Zhang, Guoliang; Zhang, Fengbao; Fan, Xiaobin. SO42 -/ZrO2-titania nanotubes as efficient solid superacid catalysts for selective mononitration of toluene. Catalysis Communications, 2012,18: 47-50

    9 Wang Yan, Du Song, Zhu Huaigong. CFD simulation of hydraulics of dividing wall sieve trays. Advanced Materials Research2012476-4781345-1350

    10 Wang Yan, Ma Hexu, Zhu Huaigong, et al. Reactive divided wall distillation column: Simulation and experiment of methyl acetate hydrolysis. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 468-471: 2785-2789.

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