- 教师名称:宋英今
- 教师拼音名称:Song Yingjin
- 出生日期:1972-06-23
- 性别:女
- 职称:副教授
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Dr. Yingjin Song is an associate professor in School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University. He received his PhD. in 2005 at University of Jilin, China. During 2002 to 2005. Shes research interests include,Study on the genetic mechanism of bioremediation and anti inversion genes, and the research of solid waste resources and biotechnology.
- 暂无内容
- Yingjin Song, Lichao Zhou, Shaohui Yang, Caili Wang, Jiehua Wang*: Dose-dependent Sensitivity of Arabidopsis thaliana Seedling Root to Copper is Regulated by Auxin Homeostasis. Environmental and Experimental Botany,139(2017)23–30..2019
- Y.SONG1,L.-S.ZHANG2,H.WANG3,H.JIN2,CH.LI2, N.JIN2*:Immune responses of mice to prime-boost vaccination with the recombinant DNA and Fowlpox virus both expressing HIV-2 Gag-gp105. Acta virologica,54:293–296,2010..2019
- Xin Changa,Jiehua Wangb,Shaohui Yangb,Shan Chena,Yingjin Song*b:Antioxidative, antibrowning and antibacterial activities of sixteen floral honeys. Food&Function,2011,2(9):541-546..2019
- 2002.9-2005.6 Jilin University molecular biology Doctorate
- 1996.9-1999.6 Yanbian University Preventive veterinary medicine Master's degree
- 1992.9-1996.6 Yanbian University Animal medicine Baccalaureate
2005.8 -2019.12
|School of environmental science and Engineering|Tianjin University
2014.3 -2015.3
|University of Tsukuba, Japan
1999.8 -2005.8
|Yanbian animal husbandry and veterinary work general station|Yanbian County Bureau of industry management|Chief