Chao Jin, Zhenlong Geng, Xintong Pang, Yue Zhang, Wang Gang, Ji Jing, Li Xiaozhou, Guan Chunfeng*, Isolation and characterization of a novel benzophenone-3-degrading bacterium Methylophilus sp. strain FP-6, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 186: 109780, DEC 30 2019,SCIE一区收录,通讯作者
上一条:Chunfeng Guan, Wang Chang, Hao Wu, Qian Li, Yue Zhang, Gang Wang, Jing Ji, Chao Jin, Salicylic acid application alleviates the adverse effects of triclosan stress in tobacco plants through the improvement of plant photosynthesis and enhancing antioxidant system, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (2): 1359-1372, 2020,SCIE一区收录,通讯作者
下一条:Guan Chunfeng, Wang Chang, Li Qian, Ji Jing, Wang Gang, Jin Chao, Tong Yindong, LcSABP2, a salicylic acid binding protein 2 gene from Lycium chinense, confers resistance to triclosan stress in Nicotiana tabacum, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 183:109516,SCIE一区收录,通讯作者