Xue, M., Liu, JJ, Zhao, L., Pei,J.*, Identification of odor compounds emitted by wooden boards with the presence of indoor ozone,Building and Environment, 2022, 221,1, 109341
上一条:Pei J J, Qu M N, Sun L Y, Wang X Y, Yin Y H. The relationship between indoor air quality (IAQ) and perceived air quality (PAQ) – a review and case analysis of Chinese residential environment [J]. Energy and Built Environment, 2022. 10.1016/j.enbenv.2022.09.005.
下一条:Zhao, L ; Liu, JJ ; Yin, YH ; Pei, J* ; Xiao, W; Zhang, HQ; Wei, S. Field investigation of pollutant characteristics and targeted ventilation control strategies in high-ceiling aircraft spraying workshop. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2022. 159:627-639