Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2011. On the performance and mechanisms of formaldehyde removal by chemi-sorbents, Chemical Engineering Journal, 167(1):59-66. (SCI index No. 737RO)
上一条:Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2010. Modeling of sorbent-based filters: Development, verification, and experimental validation, Building Simulation: An International Journal, 3(1): 75-86. “Building Simulation’s Best Paper Award 2010 (1 out of 27)”
下一条:Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2011. A critical review of catalytic oxidation and chemisorption methods for indoor formaldehyde removal, HVAC&R Research, 17(4):476-503