Pei, J.*, Zhang, J.S., Nair, S., Chen, W., Guo, B. and Wong, J. 2008. VOC Removal Performance of Pellet/Granular Type Sorbent Media—From Testing to Predictions, ASHRAE Transactions, 114(2): 462-471
上一条:Pei, J.*, Han, X, Lu, Y. 2015, Performance and Kinetics of Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde over Copper Manganese Oxide Catalyst, Building and Environment, 84:134-141
下一条:Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2010. Modeling of sorbent-based filters: Development, verification, and experimental validation, Building Simulation: An International Journal, 3(1): 75-86. “Building Simulation’s Best Paper Award 2010 (1 out of 27)”