18. Chunfeng Guan, Xilong Du, Gang Wang, Jing Ji, Chao Jin, Xiaozhou Li. Expression of biologically active anti-thrombosis protein lumbrokinase in edible sunflower seed kernel. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 23:257-265, 2014.
上一条:19. Qing Zhao, Gang Wang, Jing Ji, Chao Jin, Wu Weidang. Over-expression of Arabidopsis thaliana β-carotene hydroxylase (chyB) gene enhances drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and
下一条:17. Chunfeng Guan, Jing Ji, Wenzhu Guan, Xiaozhou Li, Chao Jin, Jing Li, Yurong Wang, Gang Wang. LcKRP, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor from Lycium chinense, is involved in an ABA-dependent drought stress-signaling pathway. Plant and Soil, 382:43-59, 2014.