- 教师名称:程占军
- 教师拼音名称:Cheng Zhanjun
- 出生日期:1985-08-25
- 性别:男
- 职务:副院长
- 学科:环境工程/热能工程
- 职称:教授
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Y. S. Wang, W. Z. Peng, J. Wang, G. Y. Chen, N. Li*, Y. J. Song. Z. J. Cheng*, B. B. Yan, L. A. Hou, S. B. Wang, Sulfamethoxazole degradation by regulating active sites on distilled spirits lees-derived biochar in a continuous flow fixed bed peroxymonosulfate reactor, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 310, 121342.
上一条:C. Chen, R. Liang, Y. D. Ge, J. Li, B. B. Yan, Z. J. Cheng*, J. Y. Tao*, Z. Y. Wang, M. Li, G. Y. Chen, Fast Characterization of biomass pyrolysis oil via combination of ATR-FTIR and machine learning models, Renewable Energy, 2022, 194, 220-231. 下一条:B. B. Yan, Z. B. Liu, J. Wang, Y. D. Ge, J. Y. Tao*, Z. J. Cheng*, G. Y. Chen, Mn-doped Ca2Fe2O5 oxygen carrier for chemical looping gasification of biogas residue: Effect of oxygen uncoupling, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 137086.