- 教师名称:程占军
- 教师拼音名称:Cheng Zhanjun
- 出生日期:1985-08-25
- 性别:男
- 职务:副院长
- 学科:环境工程/热能工程
- 职称:教授
Z. J. Cheng, X. Z. Gao, Z. H. Ma. X. Guo, J. L. Wang*, P. P. Luan*, S. R. He, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Studies on synergistic effects in co-pyrolysis of sargassum and poplar: thermal behavior and kinetics, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 167, 105660.
J. L. Wang#, L. F. Sun#, P. P. Luan, Y. Y. Wu, Z. J. Cheng*, Z. Zhang, X. G. Kong, H. F. Liu, G. Y. Chen, Effect of diesel blended with di-n-butyl ether/1-octanol on combustion and emission in a heavy-duty diesel engine, Environmental Pollution, 2022, 311, 119976.
Y. N. Sun, H. N. Zhang, F. Zhang, J. Y. Tao*, Z. J. Cheng*, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Pyrolysis properties and kinetics of photocured waste from photopolymerization-based 3D printing: A TG-FTIR/GC–MS study, Waste Management, 2022, 150, 151-160.
L. L. Xing*, L. C. Lian, Z. D. Wang, Z. J. Cheng*, Y. R. He, J. T. Cui, D. G. Truhlar*, Lowering of reaction rates by energetically favorable hydrogen bonding in the transition state. degradation of biofuel ketohydroperoxides by OH, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144(37), 16984–16995.
C. B. Wang, Z. Wang, X. T. Wang, N. Li, J. Y. Tao, W. D. Zheng, B. B. Yan, X. Q. Cui*, Z. J. Cheng*, G. Y. Chen, A review on the hydrothermal treatment of food waste: processing and applications, Processes, 2022, 10(11), 2439.
G. Y. Chen, W. M. Ding, Z. J. Cheng*, J. L. Wang, L. L. Xing, W. Li, Y. R. He, F. W. Lin*, J. Z. Yang, L. Zhao, B. B. Yan, Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of isoprene pyrolysis at low and atmospheric pressures. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 246, 112445.
A. Kumar, B. B. Yan, Z. J. Cheng*, J. Y. Tao*, M. Hassan, J. Li, L. Kumari, B. Tafa Oba, M. A. Aborisade, I. A. Jamro, G. Y. Chen, Co-pyrolysis of hydrothermally pre-treated microalgae residue and polymeric waste (plastic/tires): Comparative and dynamic analyses of pyrolytic behaviors, kinetics, chars, oils, and in-situ gas emissions. Fuel, 2023, 331, 125814.
X. X Yin, J. Y. Tao*, G. Y. Chen, X. L. Yao, P. P. Luan, Z. J. Cheng*, N. Li, Z. Y. Zhou, B. B. Yan, Prediction of high-density polyethylene pyrolysis using kinetic parameters based on thermogravimetric and artificial neural networks. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2023, 17, 6
Y. J. Song, R. Y. Li, Y. X. Wang, Y. Hou, G. Y. Chen, B. B. Yan, Z. J. Cheng*, L. Mu, Co-composting of cattle manure and wheat straw covered with a semi-permeable membrane: Organic matter humification and bacterial community succession. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023,30, 32776-3278
L. L. Xing#, *, J. T. Cui#, L. C. Lian, J. L. Wang, H. H. Wang, Y. R. He, S. W. Wang, X. T. Wang*, L. Y. Xu, Z. J. Cheng*, Ab initio kinetics of OH-initiated reactions of 2-furfuryl alcohol. Fuel, 2023, 338, 127325.
L. L. Xing*, Y. R. He, J. L. Wang, L. C. Lian, Z. J. Cheng*, X. T. Wang, M. J. Liu, The reactions of 2-furfuryl alcohol with hydrogen atom: A theoretical calculation and kinetic modeling analysis. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 250, 112627.
J. L. Wang, D. D. Xu, X. Z. Gao, Q. Xu, Z. D. Wang, J. Z. Yang, L. L. Xing, J. Y. Tao, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Z. J. Cheng*, Experimental and kinetic model studies on the low- to moderate-temperature oxidation of N-methyl pyrrole in a jet-stirred reactor. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 251, 112694.
F. W. Lin, H. D. Yu, J. T. Li, K. Zygourakis, R. D. Li, Z. J. Cheng*, B. B. Yan, G. Y. Chen, Investigation on the interaction between oil compositions and soil minerals with the targets of resource recovery and harmless disposal of oily sludge by pyrolysis. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023, 3, 734-744.
J. T. Li, F. W. Lin*, H. D. Yu, X. Tong, Z. J. Cheng*, B. B. Yan, Y. J. Song, G. Y. Chen, L. A. Hou, John C. Crittenden, Biochar-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of oily sludge to attain harmless disposal and residue utilization for soil reclamation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 7063-7073.
G. Y. Chen, T. C. Liu, P. P. Luan, N. Li, Y. N. Sun, J. Y. Tao, B. B. Yan, Z. J. Cheng*, Distribution, migration, and removal of N-containing products during polyurethane pyrolysis: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 453, 131406.