- 教师名称:童银栋
- 教师拼音名称:Tong Yindong
- 出生日期:1986-04-26
- 性别:男
- 职务:英才教授
- 学科:Environmental Science
- 职称:教授
Tong, YD. Decline in Chinese lake phosphorus concentration accompanied by shift in sources since 2006. Nature Geoscience. 2017,10 (7):507-511
Tong, YD. Estimation of nutrient dischR; Ma, LKarge from the Yangtze River to the East China Sea and the identification of nutrient source. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017,321 :728-736
Tong, YD. Mercury concentrations in China's coastal waters and implication for consumption by vulnerable population. Environmental Pollution. 2017,231 :396-405
Tong, YD. Impacts of sanitation improvement on reduction of nitrogen discharges entering the environment from human excreta in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2017,593 :439-448
童银栋. 双语实验教学对传统实验教学模式的改革探索. 高校实验室工作研究 (02):87-89
Tong, YD. Riverine nitrogen loss in the Tibetan Plateau and impacts of climate change. Science of the Total Environment. 2016,553 :276-284
Tong, YD. Impacts of sanitation upgrading to decrease of fecal coliforms entering into the environment in China. Environmental Research. 2016,14 :57-65
Tong, YD. Agricultural water consumption decreasing nutrient burden at the Bohai Sea,China. 2016,169 :85-94
Tong, YD. Pollution characteristics analysis and risk assessment of total mercury and methylmercury in aquatic product of the Haihe Stem River. Environmental Science. 2016,37 (3):942-949
童银栋. 校园学生群体食物汞暴露现状及风险评价. 中国环境科学. 2016 (02):589-595
Tong, YD. Recent Decline of Atmospheric Mercury Recorded by Androsace tapete on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016,50 (24):13224-13231
Tong, YD. Modeled methylmercury exposure and risk from rice consumption for vulnerable populations in a traditional fish-eating area in China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2016,34 (5):1161-1168
童银栋. 海河干流水产品汞污染特征及摄入风险评估. 环境科学. 2016,37 (03)
童银栋. 大气汞均相和非均相化学反应过程研究进展. 环境科学学报. 2015 (05):1515-1523
Tong, YD. Nutrient Loads Flowing into Coastal Waters from the Main Rivers of China (2006-2012). Scientific Reports. 2015,5 (1):16678