Xuejing Zheng, Rui Shi, Yaran Wang*, Shijun You, Huan Zhang, Junbao Xia, Shen Wei, Mathematical modeling and performance analysis of an integrated solar heating and cooling system driven by parabolic trough collector and double-effect absorption chiller [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 202:109400.(通讯作者,SCI二区, IF: 4.867 )
上一条:Zixu Song, Na Wang, Shijun You, Yaran Wang*, Huan Zhang, Shen Wei, Xuejing Zheng, Jin Guo, Integration of geothermal water into secondary network by absorption-heat-pump-assisted district heating substations [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 202:109403.(通讯作者,SCI二区, IF: 4.867 )
下一条:Hongbo Liang, Man Fan, Shijun You, Junbao Xia, Huan Zhang, Yaran Wang*. An analysis of the heat loss and overheating protection of a cavity receiver with a novel movable cover for parabolic trough solar collectors [J]. Energy, 2018. 158:719-729(SCI一区,通讯作者, IF: 6.082 )