Liu Wei
Date of Birth:1987-10-18
discipline: 建筑环境与能源应用工程
Administrative Position:Professor
Professional Title:Professor
Selected Papers
21. You, R., Chen, J., Shi, Z., Liu, W., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., and Chen, Q. Experimental and numerical study of airflow distribution in an aircraft cabin mockup with a gasper on. Building Performance Simulation, 2016, 9(5): 555-566.
22. You, R., Liu, W., Chen, J., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., and Chen, Q. Predicting airflow distribution and contaminant transport in aircraft cabins with a simplified gasper model. Building Performance Simulation, 2016, 9(6): 699-708.
23. Xue, Y., Liu, W. and Zhai, Z.J. New semi-Lagrangian-based PISO method for fast and accurate indoor environment modeling. Building and Environment, 2016, 105: 236-244.
24. Liu, W., Jin, M., Chen, C. and Chen, Q. Optimization of air supply location, size, and parameters in enclosed environments through using a CFD-based adjoint method. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2016, 9(2): 149-161.
25. Liu, W., Jin, M., Chen, C., You, R., and Chen, Q. Implementation of a fast fluid dynamics model in OpenFOAM for simulating indoor airflow. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Application, 2016, 69(7): 748-762.
26. Liu, Y., Cao, Q., Liu, W., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., Baughcum, S., Norris, S., Long, Z., Shen, X., and Chen, Q. Numerical modeling of particle deposition in the environmental control systems of commercial airliners on ground. Building Simulation, 2017, 10(2): 265-275.
27. Cao, Q., Xu, Q., Liu, W., Lin, C-H., Wei, D., Baughcumb, S., Norrisb, S., and Chen, Q. In-flight monitoring of particle deposition in the environmental control systems of commercial airliners in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 154: 118-128.
28. Zhao, X., Liu, W., Liu, S., Zou, Y., and Chen, Q. Inverse design of an indoor environment by using a CFD-based adjoint method with adaptive step size for adjusting design parameters. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2017, 71(7): 707-720.
29. Liu, W., You, R., Zhang, Jie., and Chen, Q. Development of a fast fluid dynamics-based adjoint method for the inverse design of indoor environments. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2017, 10(3): 326-343.
30. Liu, W. and Chen, Q. Development of coarse grid generation methods for fast fluid dynamics in simulating indoor airflow. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2018, 11(4): 470-484.