Liu Wei
Date of Birth:1987-10-18
discipline: 建筑环境与能源应用工程
Administrative Position:Professor
Professional Title:Professor
Selected Papers
51. Zheng, S., Zhai, Z., Wang, Y., Xue, Y., Duanmu, L., and Liu, W. Evaluation and comparison of various fast fluid dynamics modeling methods for predicting airflow around buildings. Building Simulation, 2022, 15, 1083-1095.
52. Dai, T., Liu, S., Liu, J., Jiang, N., Liu, W., and Chen, Q. Evaluation of fast fluid dynamics with different turbulence models for predicting outdoor airflow and pollutant dispersion, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022, 77, 103583.
53. Ma, S., Liu, W., Dong, J., Liu, J., and Wang, Z. Indoor thermal environment in a rural dwelling heated by air-source heat pump air-conditioner. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2022, 51, 101948.
54. Lei, L. and Liu, W.* Predictive control of multi-zone variable air volume air-conditioning system based on radial basis function neural network. Energy and Buildings, 2022, 261, 111944.
55. Liu, Y., Long, Z., and Liu, W. A semi-empirical mesh strategy for CFD simulation of indoor airflow. Indoor and Built Environment, 2022,
56. Lei, L., Zheng, H., Xue, Y., and Liu, W.* Inverse modeling of thermal boundary conditions in commercial aircrafts based on Green's function and regularization method. Building and Environment, 2022, 217, 109062.
57. Lei, L., Wu, B., Fang, X., Chen, L., Wu, H., and Liu, W.* A dynamic anomaly detection method of building energy consumption based on data mining technology. Energy, 2022,
58. Liu, W., Zhang, T., and Lai, D. Inverse design of a thermally comfortable indoor environment with a coupled CFD and multi-segment human thermoregulation model. Building and Environment, 2022, 227: 109769.
59. Sun, R., Liu, J., Lai, D.*, and Liu, W.* Building form and outdoor thermal comfort: inverse design the microclimate of outdoor space for a kindergarten. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 112824.
60. Ma, S., Liu, W., Meng, C., Dong, J. and Zhang, S., 2023. Temperature-dependent particle mass emission rate during heating of edible oils and their regression models. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 323,121221.