English 官网


  • 教师名称:刘炜
  • 教师拼音名称:Liu Wei
  • 出生日期:1987-10-18
  • 性别:
  • 职务:Professor
  • 学科:建筑环境与能源应用工程
  • 职称:教授


  • 邮箱:

61. Chen, Z., O’Neill, Z., Wen, J., Pradhan, O., Yang, T., Lu, X., Lin, G., Miyata, S., Lee, S., Shen, C., Chiosa, R., Piscitelli, M.S., Capozzoli, A., Hengel, F., Kührer, A., Pritoni, M., Liu, W., Clauß, J., Chen, Y., and Herr, T., A review of data-driven fault detection and diagnostics for building HVAC systems. Applied Energy, 2023, 339, 121030.



上一条:60. Ma, S., Liu, W., Meng, C., Dong, J. and Zhang, S., 2023. Temperature-dependent particle mass emission rate during heating of edible oils and their regression models. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 323,121221. 下一条:62. Wang, Y., Guo, Y., Hao, W., Liu, W., and Long, Z., Simulation study of the purification system for indoor oil mist control in machining factories. Building Simulation, 2023, 16, 1361-1374.

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