- 教师名称:刘炜
- 教师拼音名称:Liu Wei
- 出生日期:1987-10-18
- 性别:男
- 职务:Professor
- 学科:建筑环境与能源应用工程
- 职称:教授
- 邮箱:
8. Shen, C., Liu, J., Liu, W., and Wen, J. Establishment and certification of an airliner experimental platform with the stable thermal boundary condition in a full-size aircraft cabin. Journal of HV&AC, China (in Chinese), 2014, 44(7): 75-80.
上一条:7. Liu, W., Wen, J., Lin, C.-H., Liu, J., Long, Z., and Chen, Q. Evaluation of various categories of turbulence models for predicting air distribution in an airliner cabin. Building and Environment, 2013, 65: 118-131. 下一条:9. Jin, M., Liu, W., and Chen, Q. Accelerating fast fluid dynamics with a coarse-grid projection scheme, HVAC&R Research, 2014, 20(8), 932-943.