English 官网


  • 教师名称:刘炜
  • 教师拼音名称:Liu Wei
  • 出生日期:1987-10-18
  • 性别:
  • 职务:Professor
  • 学科:建筑环境与能源应用工程
  • 职称:教授


  • 邮箱:

3. Liu, W., Wen, J., Chao, J., Yin, W., Shen, C., Lai, D., Lin, C.-H., Liu, J., Sun, H. and Chen, Q. Accurate and high-resolution boundary conditions and flow fields in the first-class cabin of an MD-82 commercial airliner. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 56: 33-44.



上一条:2. Liu, W., Mazumdar, S., Zhang, Z., Poussou, S., Liu, J., Lin, C.-H., and Chen, Q. State-of-the-art methods for studying air distributions in commercial airliner cabins. Building and Environment, 2012, 47: 5-12. 下一条:4. Liu, W., Long, Z., and Chen,Q. A procedure for predicting pressure loss coefficients of duct fittings using CFD(RP-1493). HVAC&R Research, 2012, 18(6): 1168-1181.

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