Wang Jiehua

School of Environmental Science and Engineering

Professional Title


Administrative Appointments


Molecular Biology & Genetics

Contact Information




Education Background
  • Doctor of Molecular Biology and Genetics| Univ. of Alberta| Molecular Biology and Genetics| 2003
  • Master of Molecular Biology| Nankai Univ.| Molecular Biology| 1998
  • Bachelor of Genetics| Nankai Univ.| Genetics| 1995
Research Interests
  • Research direction 1: Bio-environmental interaction and application
    This research direction focuses on the adaptation and maintenance of plants, fungi and microorganisms in the face of various environmental stresses and includes topics such as the elucidation of the genetic and metabolic
  • Research direction 2: Development of functional biosynthetic systems
    This direction focuses on the development of advanced biosynthetic systems for crops, medicinal and energy plants (including algae) in order to optimize the biosynthesis of target substances and develop new varieties.
  • Research direction 3: Interdisciplinary research integrates multiple disciplines for high-throughput profiling of single cells on microfluidic platform, the behavior of organisms in extraterrestrial habitats, and the effects of micro-nanobubbles on carbon- and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Positions & Employments
  • 2007.8-2019.12

    Environmental Science and Ecology | Tianjin Univ. | professor 
  • 2004.5-2006.12

    Umeå Plant Science Center | Umeå Univ. | Postdoc 
Academic Achievements