Zhai Hongyan
Associate professor
Administrative Position:无
Date of Birth:1979-12-30
Date of Employment:2018-06-08
Journal:Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
All the Authors:Rumeng Wang, Hongyan Zhai, Wenjing Luo, Wen Liu, Zhengkai Zhuang, Min Ji
Translation or Not:no
CN No.:null
Pre One:Occurrence of phthalate esters and microplastics in urban secondary effluents, receiving water bodies and reclaimed water treatment processes
Next One:[7] Hongyan Zhai, Xiangru Zhang, Xiaohu Zhu, Jiaqi Liu, Min Ji. Formation of Brominated Disinfection Byproducts during Chloramination of Drinking Water: New Polar Species and Overall Kinetics, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(5): 2579~2588.
Dr. Hongyan Zhai is an associate professor in Environmental Engineering department, School of Environment Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, China. Dr. Zhai’s research focus on the formation and control of disinfection byproducts from algae-polluted drinking water sources and the related control technologies, and bacteria-related pollution in drinking water treatment and distribution system. Additionally, she has researched in areas of innovative wastewater treatment technologies. She had published more than 30 scientific papers with approximate 500 citations based on web of science.