School of Mechanical Engineering
Peiyang Campus 36-437
Throughout my career I have specialized at modeling and analysis of various nonlinear dynamical systems and their applications and control methods, including liquid-solid coupling sloshing system and its control, Dynamical behaviors of high speed railway vehicle and delay feedback control methods. All these subjects are proved to be very important to not only nonlinear theory but also practical technic. The main contribution of my work is that I give out a design criterion of liquid-sloshing coupling system and find out the exact value of the physical parameter which determines the bifurcation behavior of this kind of system. Meanwhile, I developed several effective control algorithms adopting on time-delay system. I usually aim to solve scientifically challenging problem. During my academic career, I have more than 20 papers published on peer-reviewed journals and kinds of conferences. To most of them, I contributed more than 50%.
In May 2013, I was qualified to teach students independently. From that time, I have taught three courses for undergraduate student including ‘Stability and Differential Equation’, ‘Random Vibration’ and ‘Thermotical Mechanics’ for more than 180 hours. And before that I worked as teaching assistant for more than 300 hours. Besides teaching, I wrote several book chapters in 4 books. Especially, I have 2 teaching papers published which illuminate my teaching philosophy. Also, I have had the pleasure of instructing 4 undergraduate students and co-mentoring 4 Ph.D. students. To me, a complimentary function that I enjoy is the mentoring and teaching of students, post-docs and technicians both formally and informally. I will always make time to mentor and illuminate my areas of scientific and technical expertise to any person that seeks such knowledge. When I have contributed to the understanding or career development of a student I derive a great deal of satisfaction.
- Doctor| Tianjin University| Dynamics and Control| 2010
- Active Control Method
- Nonlinear Dynamics.
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 Tianjin University 
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