School of Civil Engineering
Associate professor
Yaguan Road 135, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China
Dr. Ming He obtained his BEng (2010) and PhD (2017) degrees from Dalian University of Technology. He subsequently joined Tianjin University, where he served as a Lecturer in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from 2017 to 2020 and has been an Associate Professor since 2020. His research focuses on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Wave Hydrodynamics, Wave/Current-Structure Interaction, and Fluid Mechanics in Water Sports.
- Ph.D.| Dalian University of Technology| Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering| 2017
- B.Eng.| Dalian University of Technology| Port, Waterway and Coastal Engineering| 2010
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
- Wave Hydrodynamics
- Wave/Current-Structure Interaction
- Fluid Mechanics in Water Sports
- Member of Group for AI Application Technologies, Academic
Committee of Ship Mechanics, Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers - Senior Member of Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
- Member of Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
- Youth Editorial Board Member of Journal of Waterway and Harbor
- Youth Editorial Board Member of Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology (Natural Science)
- Review Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Science
- Guest Editor of Sustainability
- Guest Editor of Water
- Guest Editor of Applied Sciences
- Guest Editor of Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing
- Guest Editor of International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering
- Reviewer of Over 40 Journals (
Academic Visitor | Department of Engineering | University of Cambridge  -
Academic Visitor | College of Engineering | Ocean University of China  -
Associate Professor | School of Civil Engineering | Tianjin University  -
Post Doctor | School of Civil Engineering | Tianjin University  -
Lecturer | School of Civil Engineering | Tianjin University 
- Papers
- [1] 隋钰程, 贺铭, 李雪艳, 孟钰婕, 张旭峰, 楔形冲箱的椭圆余弦波制造理论及其SPH检验. 哈尔滨工程大学学报 (已录用)
- [2] Y.-C. Sui, Y.-J. Meng, X.-F. Zhang, H.-L. Qu, X.-Y. Li, M. He, 2025. SPH simulation of cnoidal wave generation by cylinder-shaped plunger. Int. J. Ocean Coast. Eng. (On line)
- [3] C. Wan, C. Yang, M. He, T. E. Baldock, P. Nielsen, L. Johanning, 2025. Hydrodynamic and power conversion performance of a hybrid raft-type WEC and breakwater system using SPH method. Renew. Energ. 245, 122753.
- [4] 孟钰婕, 李雪艳, 贺铭, 隋钰程, 张旭峰, 2025. 淹没水平板-海草床生态型防波堤消浪性能研究. 海洋工程 43(1), 189-199.
- [5] H.-F. Mao, Y.-T. Yang, J.-B. Lin, Z.-B. Zhou, M. He, 2024. Numerical examination of wave forces on partially submerged horizontal circular cylinders near free surface. Ocean Eng. 313, 119497.
- [6] X. Li, Y. Sui, Y. Meng, X. Zhang, A. Khayyer, M. He, D. Liang, 2024. Theory for plunger-type wavemakers to generate second-order Stokes waves and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics verification. Appl. Ocean Res. 153, 104244.
- [7] M. He, Y. Wang, J. Ma, C. Yang, D. Liang, 2024. SPH study of hydrodynamic responses of submerged floating tunnels to solitary wave impact. 2024 SPHERIC Zhuhai International Workshop. Oct. 17-20, Zhuhai, China.
- [8] R. Jin, M. He, B. Geng, H. Zhang, D. Liang, 2024. SPH study of scale effects of perforated caissons. Ocean Eng. 310, 118665.
- [9] R. Jin, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhou, M. He, 2024. Numerical analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics of two-dimensional submerged structure in irregular waves. Water 16(12), 1693.
- [10] M.-M. Liu, C.-W. Yu, Q.-H. Meng, X.-F. Hao, Z.-L. Chen, M. He, 2024. Analysis of fluid force and flow fields during gliding in swimming using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method. Front. Bioeng. Biotech. 12, 1355617.
- [11] M. He, M. Pang, N.-Z. Chen, 2023. Engineering critical assessment (ECA) for monopile foundation of an offshore wind turbine subjected to pitting. Ocean Eng. 285, 115400.
- [12] Y. Zheng, Y. Zhou, R. Jin, Y. Mu, M. He, L. Zhao, 2023. Experimental study on submerged horizontal perforated plates under irregular wave conditions. Water 15(16), 3015.
- [13] M. He, D. Liang, B. Ren, J. Li, S. Shao, 2023. Wave interactions with multi-float structures: SPH model, experimental validation, and parametric study. Coast. Eng. 184, 104333.
- [14] 隋钰程, 贺铭, 李雪艳, 孟钰婕, 2023. 楔形冲箱的二阶斯托克斯波制造理论及其SPH检验. 中国造船 64(3), 133-143.
- [15] C. Yang, Z. Hao, M. He, H. Chen, L. Johanning, 2023. Hydrodynamic investigation on the submerged tunnel suspended from a fixed platform using SPH method. Ocean Eng. 277, 114357.
- [16] Y.-c. Sui, M. He, X.-y. Li, Y.-j. Meng, 2023. Generating second-order Stokes waves using a cylinder-shaped plunger - Theoretical derivations and SPH simulations. The 29th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences. May 26-29, Shenzhen, China.
- [17] 成小飞, 宗钟凌, 贺铭, 杨君, 刘畅, 秦翔宇, 2022. 方箱-浮囊组合式浮动消波防浪装备水动力特性数值研究. 第二十届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会. 12月15-17日. 中国湛江.
- [18] M. He, M. Pang, N.Z. Chen, 2022. Residual ultimate strength prediction of monopile foundation of offshore wind turbine subjected to pitting. 19th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean. Sep. 26-29, Istanbul, Turkey.
- [19] W. Guo, J. Zou, M. He, H. Mao, Y. Liu, 2022. Comparison of hydrodynamic performance of floating breakwater with taut, slack, and hybrid mooring systems: An SPH-based preliminary investigation. Ocean Eng. 258, 111818.
- [20] 金瑞佳, 韩丽影, 贺铭, 耿宝磊, 张华庆, 2022. 基于SPH方法的开孔沉箱比尺效应研究. 海洋工程 40(3), 61-68.
- [21] M. He., X. Gao, A. Khayyer, 2022. Generating precise solitary waves using arbitrary shaped plunger-type wavemakers - Theoretical derivations and SPH simulations. 2022 SPHERIC Xi'an International Workshop. Mar. 28-Apr. 2, Xi'an, China.
- [22] X. Cheng, C. Liu, Q. Zhang, M. He, X. Gao, 2021. Numerical study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a double row floating breakwater composed of a pontoon and an airbag. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(9), 983.
- [23] M. He, A. Khayyer, X. Gao, W. Xu, B. Liu, 2021. Theoretical method for generating solitary waves using plunger-type wavemakers and its Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics validation. Appl. Ocean Res. 106, 102414.
- [24] W.-h. Xu, M. Yang, H.-n. Ai, M. He, M.-h. Li, 2020. Application of helical strakes for suppressing the flow-induced vibration of two side-by-side long flexible cylinders. China Ocean Eng. 34(2), 172-184.
- [25] M. He, W. Xu., Xi. Gao, B. Ren, 2017. Application of a coupled SPH-FEM model to the wave-submerged horizontal plate interaction. 2020 SPHERIC Harbin International Workshop. Jan. 13-16, Harbin, China.
- [26] 贺铭, 徐万海, 高喜峰, 任冰, 2019. 基于楔体入水的孤立波制造理论及其SPH验证. 第十九届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会. 10月11-13日, 中国重庆.
- [27] 贺铭, 高喜峰, 徐万海, 任冰, 2019. 基于圆柱入水的孤立波生成新方法及其数值模拟检验. 第三十届全国水动力学研讨会暨第十五届全国水动力学学术会议. 8月16-19日, 中国合肥.
- [28] M. He, X. Gao, W. Xu, B. Ren, H. Wang, 2019. Potential application of submerged horizontal plate as a wave energy breakwater: A 2D study using the WCSPH method. Ocean Eng. 185, 27-46.
- [29] X. Gao, Z. Xu, W. Xu, M. He, 2019. Cross-flow Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) responses and hydrodynamic forces of a long flexible and low mass ratio pipe. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 7(6), 179.
- [30] 高喜峰, 王洪树, 贺铭, 徐万海, 2019. 考虑潮位变动的淹没水平板防波堤设置方案. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版) 52(5), 529-538.
- [31] M. He, W. Xu, X. Gao, B. Ren, 2018. SPH simulation of wave scattering by a heaving submerged horizontal plate. Int. J. Ocean Coast. Eng. 1(2), 1840004.
- [32] M. He, W. Xu, X. Gao, B. Ren, 2018. The layout of submerged horizontal plate breakwater (SHPB) with respect to the tidal-level variation. Coast. Eng. J. 60(3), 280-298.
- [33] W.-h. Xu, W.-q. Qin, M. He, X.-f. Gao, 2018. Passive VIV reduction of an inclined flexible cylinder by means of helical strakes with round-section. China Ocean Eng. 32(4), 413-421.
- [34] Y. Shi, S. Li, S. Peng, H. Chen, M. He, 2018. Numerical modeling of flexible floating boom using a coupled SPH-FEM model. Coast. Eng. J. 60(2), 140-158.
- [35] X. Gao, M. He, W. Xu, H. Wang, 2018. Hydroelastic analysis of a submerged horizontal plate using a coupled SPH-FEM model. The 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Jun. 17-22, Madrid, Spain.
- [36] M. He, X.-f. Gao, W.-h. Xu, 2018. Numerical simulation of wave-current interaction using the SPH method. J. Hydrodyn. 30(3), 535-538.
- [37] Y. Shi, S. Li, H. Chen, M. He, S. Shao, 2018. Improved SPH simulation of spilled oil contained by flexible floating boom under wave-current coupling condition. J. Fluids Struct. 76, 272-300.
- [38] 贺铭, 王洪树, 高喜峰, 徐万海, 2017. 海洋波流环境的拉格朗日数值模拟. 中国造船 58(A1), 19-27.
- [39] B. Ren, M. He, Y. Li, P, Dong, 2017. Application of smoothed particle hydrodynamics for modeling the wave-moored floating breakwater interaction. Appl. Ocean Res. 67, 277-290.
- [40] Y. Li, M. He, B. Ren, G. Wang, 2017. Numerical simulation of wave interaction with a hinged multi-module floating structure. The 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Jun. 25-30, Trondheim, Norway.
- [41] M. He, B. Ren, D. Qiu, 2016. Experimental study of nonlinear behaviors of a free-floating body in waves. China Ocean Eng. 30(3), 421-430.
- [42] 王烨, 王永学, 贺铭, 任冰, 2016. 不同锚固方式双方箱浮防波堤水动力特性的SPH模拟. 港工技术 53(1), 7-15.
- [43] B. Ren, M. He, P. Dong, H. Wen, 2015. Nonlinear simulations of wave-induced motions of a freely floating body using WCSPH method. Appl. Ocean Res. 50, 1-12.
- [44] 贺铭, 邱大洪, 2015. 椭圆余弦波浅水变形实用计算法(II)——对《海港水文规范》的一个补充. 水运工程 (502), 13-18.
- [45] 贺铭, 邱大洪, 2015. 椭圆余弦波浅水变形实用计算法(I)——对《海港水文规范》的一个补充. 水运工程 (499), 1-7.
- [46] M. He, B. Ren, F. Jiang, C. Ma, 2013. Simulation of dynamic coupling between waves and a free-floating rectangular box by smoothed particle hydrodynamics. The 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Jun. 9-14, Nantes, France.
- [47] 任冰, 金钊, 高睿, 贺铭, 王永学, 2013. 波浪与斜坡堤护面块体相互作用的SPH-DEM数值模拟. 大连理工大学学报 53(2), 241-248.
- Books
- No content
- Patents
- [1] R. Jin, M. He, Y. Zhu, B. Geng, M. Liu, G. Kang, Z. Qi, C. Hu, Y. Xiong, X. Zhao, A method and system for generating linear waves using plunger-type wavemaker. Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202210992473.9, 2024.09.10
- [2] X. Zhang, Y. Sui, M. He, X. Li, SPH procedure for interaction between waves and multi-module floating structure V1.0. Chinese Software Copyright, 2023SR1020175, 2023.09.06
- [3] Y. Meng, M. He, X. Li, SPH procedure for interaction between waves and submerged horizontal plate V1.0. Chinese Software Copyright, 2023SR0056287, 2023.01.10
- [4] X. Li, Y. Meng, M. He, SPH procedure for interaction between waves and box-shaped structure V1.0. Chinese Software Copyright, 2022SR1403815, 2022.10.18
- [5] M. He, Y. Sui, X. Li, Software for wave generation using wedge-type plunger V1.0. Chinese Software Copyright, 2022SR0959571, 2022.07.22
- [6] Y. Meng, M. He, X. Li, SPH procedure for dam break simulation V1.0. Chinese Software Copyright, 2022SR0957210, 2022.07.21
- [7] Y. Sui, M. He, X. Li, Procedure for piston-type wave-making based on particle method V1.0. Chinese Software Copyright, 2022SR0952310, 2022.07.20
- [8] M. He, W. Xu, X. Gao, H. Wang, A fluid-structure interaction algorithm for elastic thin-walled structures. Chinese Invention Patent, ZL201810580464.2, 2022.05.17
- [9] X. Gao, H. Huo, M. He, W. Xu, A breakwater with integrated power generation functionality. Chinese Utility Model Patent, ZL202021106369.8, 2021.03.12
- [10] M. He, H. Huo, X. Gao, A flexible-connected very large floating structure. Chinese Utility Model Patent, ZL202021149246.2, 2021.02.26
- Teaching
- No content
- Honors & Awards
- [1] Teaching Achievement Award (2nd Prize) for Hydraulic Engineering Major in Higher Education Institutes, 2023.07
- [2] The 3rd Level of Tianjin "131" Innovative Talents Training Project, 2019.10
- [3] Elite Scholar Program of Tianjin University, 2018.12
- [4] Excellent Paper Award for Young Researchers of the 19th Chinese Ocean and Coastal Engineering Symposium, 2019.10
- [5] Excellent Youth Award of the 2nd Symposium on Port, Waterway, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering for Young and Middle-Aged Scholars, 2018.04
- Research Grants
- [1] General Program of NSFC, No. 52471295, Study on the drift-sinking coupled motion characteristics of overboard containers in complex marine environments, Jan. 2025 - Dec. 2028, 480,000 RMB, PI
- [2] Young Scientists Fund of NSFC, No. 51709201, 3D numerical investigation on the dynamic response characteristics of the multi module floating structure under wave action, Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2020, 300,000 RMB, PI
- [3] General Program of CPSF, No. 2017M621074, Key technology research on the very large floating structure used as harbors in the Bohai Bay, Nov. 2017 - May 2020, 50,000 RMB, PI
- [4] Open Fund of SJTU-SKLOE, No. GKZD010087, Study on hydrodynamic characteristics of a composite structure consisting of submerged horizontal plate and VIVACE device that designed for wave attenuation as well as electricity generation, Jan. 2023 - Dec. 2024, 80,000 RMB, PI
- [5] Open Fund of DLUT-SKLCOE, No. LP1705, Elaborate simulation of the hydrodynamic performance of large floating structures connected with flexible joints, May 2017 - Oct. 2020, 30,000 RMB, PI
- [6] Open Fund of NHRI-KLPWSE, Study on dynamic response mechanism and wave protection measures of offshore floating solar, Aug. 2024 - Dec. 2025, 45,000 RMB, PI
- [7] "Tianhe" Qingsuo Open Research Fund, P-THQS-22-ZD-No.0009, Maritime search and rescue, Aug. 2022 - Aug. 2023, 300,000 Core-Hours, PI
- [8] Elite Scholar Program of TJU, No. 1901, Large multi-module floating structure, Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2020, 100,000 RMB, PI
- [9] TJU Cultivating Project for the Industry-University-Research, No. 1806, Research on the digitalization of quality and safety supervision in Tianjin's transportation engineering, Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2018, 50,000 RMB,PI
- [10] Engineering Consulting from CNADRI, Validation and optimization of simulation technology of wind engineering for building based on OpenFOAM, Feb. 2024 - Dec. 2024, 200,000 RMB, PI
- [11] Engineering Consulting from CRBC, Calculation of floating transportation of steel structure of main span of new Panlong-Jialing River bridge construction project, Apr. 2022 - Jun. 2022, 300,000 RMB, PI