Liu Xianhua

School of Environmental Science and Engineering

Professional Title



Environmental Science

Contact Information


43-B-333, Tianjin University, 135 Yaguan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin, P.R. China

Brief Introduction

Brief Description

Xianhua Liu is currently a Professor of the Department of Environmental Science,  and vice director of Center for Marine Environmental Ecology at Tianjin University. He received his B. S. Degree in Food Science (1995) and his M. S. Degree in Biochemistry(1998) both from Shandong Agricultural University, China. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Nankai University in 2003. Since 2003 he has been employed in the Departmental of Environmental Science at Tianjin University. He has been a Visiting Scientist at University of Hawaii at Manoa in 2009, and University of California, Los Angeles, in 2016. He has organized several conferences on environmental science and sustainable development. He is a member of the Chinese Society For Environmental Sciences and a Registered Engineer for Environmental Impact Assessment. He is a reviewer for more than forty leading journals, including Water Research, Environmental Science & Technology,  Advanced Materials, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, et. al. He also is a reviewer editor for Frontiers in Microbiology and Frontiers in Environmental Science.

Basic Information

Title: Professor


Mailing Address: School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beiyangyuan Campus, Tianjin University, No. 135 Yaguan Road, Jinnan District, Tianjin

Research Directions: Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Energy and Sensing, Ecological Environment and Resource Protection

Academic Interests: Long-term engagement in research on environmental biochemistry and environmental biotechnology, particularly focusing on the transformation and transfer of substances and energy at the interface between organisms and micro/nano materials under different environments.

Main Work and Study Experience

  • 2022.06-present: Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University

  • 2016.02-2016.08: Visiting Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

  • 2009.11-2010.04: Visiting Scholar, University of Hawaii

  • 2006.07-2022.06: Associate Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University

  • 2003.07-2006.06: Lecturer, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University

  • 2000.09-2003.07: Ph.D. in Science, School of Environmental Science, Nankai University

  • 1995.09-1998.07: Master's in Agriculture, Shandong Agricultural University

  • 1991.09-1995.07: Bachelor's in Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University

Main Academic Positions

  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Energy Research

  • Editorial Board Member and Guest Associate Editor for journals such as Frontiers in Microbiology and Polymers

  • Subject Evaluation Expert for the Ministry of Education (Environmental Science and Engineering)

  • National Graduate Education Evaluation Monitoring Expert

  • NSERC Project Review Committee Expert

Academic Webpages

Personal Introduction

In teaching, responsible for the Environmental Biochemistry course group, teaching undergraduate courses "Biochemistry", "Biochemistry Experiments" and the all-English course "Environmental Biochemistry"; teaching graduate courses "Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology". Edited two textbooks: the "Eleventh Five-Year" national planning textbook "Environmental Biochemistry Experiment Tutorial" and the "Double First-Class" university construction "Fourteenth Five-Year" planning textbook "Environmental Biochemistry Tutorial". Awarded the title of "Outstanding Educator" in the third "Teaching and Educating Advanced Worker" award at Tianjin University. Completed over ten teaching reform projects and published over ten teaching reform papers. Frequently awarded the "Golden Idea Award" at Tianjin University. In research and academia, addressing major national strategies and social needs such as ecological civilization construction and dual carbon targets, undertaken and completed over 20 national, provincial, and enterprise technical service research projects. Published over 140 SCI-indexed papers in international journals, such as Nature Communications, Advanced Science, and Water Research. Among them, three papers are awarded as ESI highly cited papers and one as an ESI hot paper. As of 2023, has an H-index of 32, with the highest single paper cited 516 times. Aiming to produce major products or system technology systems in response to the national "Belt and Road" construction strategy, conducted research on pollutant monitoring and treatment. Obtained 15 national invention patents, participated in the compilation of one national standard and one local standard.

Representative Research Projects

  • National Key R&D Program Project/Subproject: Research on the Specific Water Quality Criteria of Characteristic and Emerging Pollutants in Bohai Bay

  • National Key R&D Program Project/Subproject: Mechanisms of Land-based Pathogenic Microorganisms' Transmission and Diffusion into the Sea and Their Risk Assessment and Prediction

  • National Natural Science Foundation General Project: Research on the Adsorption of Microplastics to Viruses in Coastal Waters and Their Mediated Infection Mechanisms

  • Tianjin Social Development and Agricultural Key Project: Research and Development of Key Technologies for Ecological Restoration in Typical Coastal Zones of Tianjin

  • Tianjin Key R&D Program Science and Technology Support Key Project: Toxicology and Risk Assessment of Seawater Desalination Engineering in Bohai Bay

  • Tianjin Natural Science Key Fund: Comprehensive Development and Application of Dioxin Detection System

  • Tianjin Natural Science General Fund Project: Development of a Biosensor for Rapid Detection of Dioxin-like Compounds

  • Tianjin Natural Science General Fund Project: Research on Alkaline Fuel Cells for Electricity Generation at Room Temperature Using Plant Carbohydrates

  • Tianjin Science and Technology Boosting Sea Project: Multi-parameter Water Quality Analysis and Monitoring Network Based on the Internet of Things in Coastal Areas

  • Baotou National Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Demonstration Office Project: Analysis of Baotou City's Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Indicators in 2016

  • Baotou National Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Demonstration Office Project: Analysis and Early Warning of Baotou City's Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Indicators in 2015

  • China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection School-Enterprise Cooperation Project: Research and Development and Application of Water Quality Detection Technology Based on Microfluidic Sensor Chips

  • Shijiazhuang High-tech Zone Industry-University-Research Cooperation Project: Water Quality Automatic Analyzer Based on TOC-UV Technology

Representative Publications

1. Zhen Yu, Yang Li, Yaoxin Zhang, Ping Xu, Chade Lv, Wulong Li, Bushra Maryam, Xianhua Liu* & Swee Ching Tan*, Microplastic detection and remediation through efficient interfacial solar evaporation for immaculate water production. Nature Communications, 2024, 15, 6081.

2. Shuo Xu, Yuxuan Zhao, Shipu Jiao, Zhiyun Wang, Zhen Yu*, Chen Sun*, Xianhua Liu*, Microalgae film-derived water evaporation-induced electricity generator with negative carbon emission. Advanced Science, 2024, 11(25),2400856.

3. Shipu Jiao, Yang Li, Jingyu Li, Yihao Zhang,Bushra Maryam,Shuo Xu,Miao Liu,Jiaxuan Li,Wanxin Liu,Xianhua Liu*, Water-enabled electricity generation on film structures: From materials to applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2024, 199, 114461.

4. Xiuwen Wang, Kaixin Zheng, Yi Wang, Xin Hou, Yike He, Zhiyun Wang, Jiabo Zhang*, Xiaochen Chen, Xianhua Liu*. Microplastics and viruses in the aquatic environment: A mini review. Frontiers in Microbiology,2024, 15,1433724.

5. Jiaxuan Li, Yihao Zhang, Yu Zhou, Wanxin Liu, Bushra Maryam, Jinran Cui, Miao Liu, Xianhua Liu*, Polystyrene nanoplastics distinctly impact cadmium uptake and toxicity in Arabidopsis thalianaEnvironmental Pollution, 2024, 356, 124373.

6. Yihao Zhang, Jiaxuan Li, Shipu Jiao, Yang Li, Yu Zhou, Xu Zhang, Bushra Maryam, Xianhua Liu*, Microfluidic sensors for the detection of emerging contaminants in water: A review. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 929: 172734.

7. Shipu Jiao, Yihao Zhang, Yang Li, Bushra Maryam, Shuo Xu, Wanxin Liu, Miao Liu, Jiaxuan Li, Xianhua Liu*, Enhanced electric power generation through electrolyte flow on a flexible rope hydrovoltaic generator. Carbon, 2024, 218: 118687.

8. Yang Li, Shipu Jiao, Yexin Dai, Jiao Wang, Jingyu Li, Ning Kang, Muhammad Irfan, Xianhua Liu*, Spontaneous and sustainable multifunctional transpiration generator for simultaneous harvesting of electricity, freshwater and salt. Applied Energy, 2024, 341: 121110.

9. Xiao-Chen Chen, Ao Wang, Jun-Jie Wang, Zeng-Di Zhang, Jian-Ying Yu, Ying-Jie Yan, Jian-Yu Zhang, Jia Niu, Xiao-Yu Cui, Xian-Hua Liu*, Influences of coexisting aged polystyrene microplastics on the ecological and health risks of cadmium in soils: A leachability and oral bioaccessibility based study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 469:133884.

10.Yunxue Li, Sitong Liu, Zhiyong Ji, Jun Sun, and Xianhua Liu*, Distinct responses of Chlorella vulgaris upon combined exposure to microplastics and bivalent zinc. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 442, 130137.

11. Jingyu Li, Miao Liu, Jiaxuan Li, Xianhua Liu*, A MOF-on-MOF composite encapsulating sensitized Tb(III) as a built-in self-calibrating fluorescent platform for selective sensing of F ions. Talanta, 2023, 259(10):124521.

12. Jingyu Li, Yexin Dai, Jinran Cui, Halayit Abrh, Ning Kang, and Xianhua Liu*, Dye-encapsulated Zr-based MOFs composites as a sensitive platform for ratiometric luminescent sensing of antibiotics in water. Talanta, 2023, 251:123817.

13. Jiao Wang, Chu Peng, Yexin Dai, Yang Li, Shipu Jiao, Xiaodong Ma, Xianhua Liu*, Lei Wang*, Slower antibiotics degradation and higher resistance genes enrichment in plastisphere. Water Research, 2022, 222,118920.

14. Shipu Jiao, Yang Li, Jiaxuan Li, Halayit Abrha, Miao Liu, Jinran Cui, Jiao Wang, Yexin Dai and Xianhua Liu*, Graphene oxide as a versatile platform for emerging hydrovoltaic technology. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022,10, 18451-18469.

15. Shipu Jiao, Miao Liu, Yang Li, Halayit Abrha, Jiao Wang, Yexin Dai, Jingyu Li, Ning Kang, Yunxue Li, Xianhua Liu*, Emerging hydrovoltaic technology based on carbon black and porous carbon materials: A mini review. Carbon, 2022, 193: 339-355.

16. Xianhua Liu*, J. Paul Chen, Lei Wang, Zongze Shao and Xiang Xiao, Microplastics and Microorganisms in the environment. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 947286. 

17. Hongyu Li, Yunxue Li, Bushra Maryam, Zhiyong Ji, Jun Sun and Xianhua Liu*, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers as hitchhikers on microplastics: Sorption behaviors and combined toxicities to Epinephelus moara Aquatic Toxicology, 2022, 252, 106317.

18. Jonnathan Cabrera, Yexin Dai, Muhammad Irfan, Yang Li, Felix Gallo, Pingping Zhang, Yanping Zong, Xianhua Liu*, Novel continuous up-flow MFC for treatment of produced water: Flow rate effect, microbial community, and flow simulation. Chemosphere, 2022, 289, 133186.

19. Jonnathan Cabrera, Muhammad Irfan, Yexin Dai, Pingping Zhang, Yanping Zong, Xianhua Liu*, Bioelectrochemical system as an innovative technology for treatment of produced water from oil and gas industry: A review. Chemosphere. 2021. 285, 131428.

20. Liu, Sitong; Shi, Jiafu; Wang, Jiao; Dai, Yexin; Li, Hongyu; Li, Jiayao; Liu, Xianhua * ;Chen, Xiaochen; Wang, Zhiyun; Zhang, Pingping ; Interactions between microplastics and heavy metals in aquatic environments: A review. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12: 652520 (ESI highly cited paper, more than 130 times citatation)

21. Yexin Dai, Yajing Guo, Jiao Wang, Yunxue Li, Lei Zhang, Xianhua Liu*, A vertically configured photocatalytic-microbial fuel cell for electricity generation and gaseous toluene degradation. Chemosphere, 2021, 285, 131530.

22. Yexin Dai, Shengling Li, Yajing Guo, Jun Ren, Lei Zhang, Xin Wang, Pingping Zhang, Xianhua Liu*. Enhanced tetracycline degradation and power generation in a solar-illuminated bio-photoelectrochemical system. Journal of Power Sources. 2021. 497(15), 229876.

23. Hongwei Zhao*, Meile Yuan, Maryna Strokal, Henry C. Wu, Xianhua Liu*, AlberTinka Murk, Carolien Kroeze, Ronald Osinga, Impacts of nitrogen pollution on corals in the context of global climate change and potential strategies to conserve coral reefs. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 774,145017.

24. Jiao Wang, Jiayao Li, Sitong Liu, Hongyu Li, Xiaochen Chen, Chu Peng, Pingping Zhang, Xianhua Liu*. Distinct microplastic distributions in soils of different land-use types: A case study of Chinese farmlands. Environmental Pollution. 2021; 269,116199. (ESI highly cited paper, 172 times)

25. Jiao Wang, Chu Peng, Hongyu Li, Pingping Zhang, Xianhua Liu*. The impact of microplastic-microbe interactions on animal health and biogeochemical cycles: A mini-review. Science of The Total Environment. 2021; 773, 145697.

26. Jiao Wang, Xianhua Liu*, Yang Li, Trevor Powell, Xin Wang, Guangyi Wang, Pingping Zhang. Microplastics as contaminants in the soil environment: A mini-review. Science of The Total Environment, 2019; 691:848-57. (ESI highly cited paper, more than 500 times of citations)

27. Jiao Wang, Xianhua Liu*, Yexin Dai, Jun Ren, Yang Li, Xin Wang, Pingping Zhang, Chu Peng. Effects of co-loading of polyethylene microplastics and ciprofloxacin on the antibiotic degradation efficiency and microbial community structure in soil. Science of The Total Environment, 2020; 741,140463.

28. Xianhua Liu, Biswarup Sen, Yue Zhao, Mohan Bai, Yaodong He, Yunxuan Xie, Jianyang Li, Guangyi Wang*, Gradients of three coastal environments off the South China Sea and their impacts on the dynamics of heterotrophic microbial communities. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 659:499-506.

29. Peng Liu, Xianhua Liu*, Feng Dong, et al. Electricity generation from banana peels in an alkaline fuel cell with a Cu 2 O-Cu modified activated carbon cathode[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, s 631–632:849-856.

30. Xianhua Liu*, Zi Li, Yulou Yang, Peng Liu, Pingping Zhang, Electricity generation from a refuelable glucose alkaline fuel cell with a methyl viologen-immobilized activated carbon anode. Electrochimica Acta, 2016,2221430–1437.

31. Susu Liu, Xianhua Liu*, Ying Wang, Pingping Zhang. Electricity generation from macroalgae Enteromorpha prolifera hydrolysates using an alkaline fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2016 222226–231.

32. Xianhua Liu*, Yulou Yang, Xiaoxuan Shi, Kexun Li. Fast photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye using a low-power diode laser. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 283: 267-275.

33. Peng Zhang, Kexun Li*, Xianhua Liu*Carnation-like MnO2 modified activated carbon air cathode improve power generation in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 264: 248–253.

34. Miaoqing Hao; Xianhua Liu*, Mengnan Feng, Pingping Zhang, Guangyi Wang*. Generating Power from cellulose in an alkaline fuel cell enhanced by methyl viologen as an electron-transfer catalyst. Journal of Power Sources, 2014,251222-228.

35. Xianhua Liu*, Miaoqing Hao, Mengnan Feng, Lin Zhang, Yong Zhao, Xiwen Du, Guangyi Wang, A one-compartment direct glucose alkaline fuel cell with methyl viologen as electron mediator. Applied Energy, 2013, 106: 176-183.

Education Background
  • Bachelor| Shandong Agricultural University| Food Science| 1995
  • Master| Shandong Agricultural University| Biochemistry| 1998
  • Nankai University| Doctorate in Environmental Science| 2003
Research Interests
  • Novel Energy and Environmental Science
  • Emerging Contaminants (Microplastics)
  • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
  • Bio-electrochemical Systems
  • Nano Materials and their Environmental Applications
Professional Membership
    No content
Positions & Employments
  • 2006.6-2019.12

    Department of Environmental Science | Tianjin University 
  • 2003.7-2006.6

    Department of Environmental Science | Tianjin University 
  • 2009.12-2010.6

     University of Hawaii at Manoa 
  • 2016.2-2016.8

    School of Engineering | University of California, Los Angels 
Academic Achievements