Dong Xu, Chunning Ji, Eldad Avital, Efstathios Kaliviotis, Ante Munjiza, John Williams (2017). An Investigation on the Aggregation and Rheodynamics of Human Red Blood Cells Using High Performance Computations, Scientifica, 6524156, 1-10.
上一条:Xu WH, Luan YS, Han QH, Ji CN, Cheng AK. (2017). The effect of yaw angle on VIV suppression for an inclined flexible cylinder fitted with helical strakes, Applied Ocean Research, 67: 263~276.
下一条:D. Xu, C. Ji, Y. Bai, X. Song (2017). Three-dimensional numerical investigation on the influence of geometric shape on flow in river bends, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 19(5): 666~685.