Bin Qin, Md. Mahbub Alam, Chunning Ji, Yang Liu, Shengjin Xu (2018). Flow-induced vibrations of two cylinders of different natural frequencies, Ocean Engineering, 155: 189~200.
上一条:Ji CN, Xu WH, Sun H, Wang R, Ma CH, Bernitsas MM (2018). Interactive flow-induced vibrations of two staggered, low mass-ratio cylinders in the TrSL3 flow regime (2.5x104 <Re< 1.2x105): smooth cylinders, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140: 041801, 1-9.
下一条:Liu, XL, Yang, B, Ji, CN, Chen, Q, Song, MR (2018) Research on the Turbine Blade Vibration Base on the Immersed Boundary Method, Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 140(6), 061402.