- 教师名称:曲传咏
- 教师拼音名称:Qu Chuanyong
- 出生日期:1980-03-09
- 性别:男
- 职务:Associate Dean of Department of Mechanics
- 学科:Mechanics
- 职称:副教授
Han M, Cai Z, Zhang Y, Qu C, et al. A VUMAT of modified Mohr-Coulomb model and its application in TBM tunnelling simulation[C]// Ieee/asme International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications. IEEE, 2016:1-6.. 2019
Han M, Cai Z, Qu C, et al. Tunneling Simulation and Strength Analysis of Cutterhead System of TBM[C]// International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 2015:445-455.. 2019
Zhao B H, Qu C Y, Qin Q H. Bone Distribution Simulation during Damage-Repair Bone Remodeling in Human Proximal Femur[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 634-638(1):883-891.. 2019
Zhang Q, Qu C, Cai Z, et al. Modeling Specific Energy for Shield Machine by Non-linear Multiple Regression Method and Mechanical Analysis[M]// Proceedings of the 2011 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012:75-80.. 2019
Qu C Y, Yu S W. The damage and healing of bone in the disuse state under mechanical and electro-magnetic loadings. Procedia Engineering, 2011, 10(7):171-176.. 2019
Zhang Q, Kang Y, Qu C, et al. Mechanical model for operational loads prediction on shield cutter head during excavation[C]// Ieee/asme International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics. IEEE Xplore, 2010:1252-1256.. 2019
Qu Chuanyong, Qin Qinghua, Kang Yilan. (2005) Thermomagnetoelectroelastic Prediction of the Bone Surface Remodeling Under Axial and Transverse Loads. Proc. of 9th International Conference on Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs & Maintenance of Structures, Fuzhou, China on 20-21 October: 373-380.. 2019
Zhang Q, Qu C, Cai Z, et al. Modeling of the thrust and torque acting on shield machines during tunneling. Automation in Construction, 2014, 40(4):60-67.. 2019
Song H, Zhang H, Kang Y, Qu C. Damage evolution study of sandstone by cyclic uniaxial test and digital image correlation. Tectonophysics, 2013, 608(6):1343-1348.. 2019
Zhang H, Song H, Kang Y, Qu C. Experimental Analysis on Deformation Evolution and Crack Propagation of Rock Under Cyclic Indentation[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2013, 46(5):1053-1059.. 2019
Zhang Q, Qu C, Kang Y, et al. Identification and optimization of energy consumption by shield tunnel machines using a combined mechanical and regression analysis. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 2012, 28(1):350-354.. 2019
Qu C, Yu S W, Feng X Q, et al. Damage model of bone under mechanical and electromagnetic loadings. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 57:89-93.. 2019
Wang L, Qu C, Kang Y, et al. A Mechanical Model to Estimate the Disc Cutter Wear of Tunnel Boring Machines. Journal of Computational & Theoretical Nanoscience, 2011, 4(6):2433-2439.. 2019
He X Q, Qu C, Qin Q H. A theoretical model for surface bone remodeling under electromagnetic loads. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2008, 78(3):163-175.. 2019
Qu Chuanyong, Qinghua Qin, Yilan Kang. A hypothetical mechanism of bone remodeling and modeling under electromagnetic loads. Biomaterials, 2006, 27, 4050-4057.. 2019