Zunfeng Du, Xiaochen Li, Wanhai Xu, Haiming Zhu, Jiaguo Feng, Wenjun Shen, Ruijia Jin, An experimental investigation on vortex-induced motion (VIM) of a tension leg platform in irregular waves combined with a uniform flow, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 123, 2022, 103185.
上一条:Zunfeng Du, Xiangyu Chen, Qingwei Zhang, Yuan Yang, An extended state observer-based sliding mode control method for hydraulic servo system of marine stabilized platforms, Ocean Engineering, Volume 279, 2023, 114386.
下一条:Haiming Zhu, Zunfeng Du*, Yougang Tang, Numerical study on the displacement reconstruction of subsea pipelines using the improved inverse finite element method, Ocean Engineering, Volume 248, 2022, 110763.