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Chuang Xie

  • 教师名称:Chuang Xie
  • 教师拼音名称:106128
  • 出生日期:1980-07-10
  • 性别:
  • 学科:Chemical Engineering and Technology
  • 职称:教授


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  • 研究方向

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  • 论文成果

  • I joined the faculty of Tianjin University School of Chemical Engineering and Technology in 2010, where I began my academic career as an associate professor.


    I teach the core undergraduate course “Engineering Mathematics” for 7 years and the postgraduate course “Optimization method for Engineering” for 5 years. I received the 1st Prize of 2017 Young Teacher Lecture Contest in School of Chemical Engineering and Technology. I was also named as the Excellent Master's Instructor in Tianjin University, 2017. In 2017 I was hired as a doctoral tutor.


    My research interests lay in the area of industrial crystallization. Most of my projects focus on preparation and purification of crystalline products. I developed the crystallization process of pharmaceuticals, bulk chemicals, and fine chemicals. 4 of them were successfully industrialized.

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  • 2002.9-2007.3 Tianjin University   Chemical Engineering   PhD
  • 1998.9-2002.6 Tianjin University   Chemical Engineering and Technology   BS in Chemical Engineering


  • 2010.10 -2019.12

    |School of Chemical Engineering and Technology|Tianjin University|Associate Professor

  • 2009.9 -2010.9

    |Department of Engineering Science & Mechanics|Pennsylvania State University|Postdoc

  • 2007.5 -2009.8

    |Tianjin TEDA Postdoctoral Working Station|Postdoc

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