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Chuang Xie

  • 教师名称:Chuang Xie
  • 教师拼音名称:106128
  • 出生日期:1980-07-10
  • 性别:
  • 学科:Chemical Engineering and Technology
  • 职称:教授


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Komarala V K,Xie C,Wang Y Q, et al.Time-resolved photoluminescence properties of cuins2/zns nanocrystals: Influence of intrinsic defects and external impurities [J].Journal of Applied Physics,2012,111 (12):1243141-1243144.



上一条: Zhang Y,Xie C,Su H, et al.Employing heavy metal-free colloidal quantum dots in solution-processed white light-emitting diodes [J].Nano Letters,2011,11 (2):329-332. 下一条: Zhi M J,Wang J K,Wang Y L, et al.Degradation kinetics and aqueous degradation pathway of cloxacillin sodium [J].Chemical Engineering & Technology,2012,35 (6):986-990.

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