- 教师名称:党睿
- 教师拼音名称:Dang Rui
- 出生日期:1981-11-26
- 性别:男
- 职务:建筑技术科学研究所副所长
- 职称:副教授
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Gang Liu, Chao Cen, Qi Zhang, Kuixing Liu, Rui Dang*: Field Study on Thermal Comfort of Passenger at High-speed Railway Station in Transition Season. Building and Environment(2016)
上一条:Rui Dang, Ye Yuan, Chen Luo, Jie Liu: Chromaticity Shifts Due to Light Exposure of Inorganic Pigments Used in Traditional Chinese Painting. Lighting Research & Technology(2016) 下一条:Rui Dang*, Jie Liu, Gang Liu, Ye Yuan: Effect of Monochromatic Light Constructed by White LED on the Colour of Chinese Traditional Light Colour Paintings. Chinese Journal of Luminescence(2017)