- 教师名称:党睿
- 教师拼音名称:Dang Rui
- 出生日期:1981-11-26
- 性别:男
- 职务:建筑技术科学研究所副所长
- 职称:副教授
Rui Dang, Gang Liu, Huijiao Tan, Nan Wang: A Method for Determining the Light Damage to Cultural Relics Based on Raman Spectral Analysis, 2017.
Rui Dang, Gang Liu, Ye Yuan, Jie Liu, Qingchen Wang: A Method for Detecting and Evaluating Damage Caused by Light Sources Illumination to Chinese Traditional Paintings, 2016.
Rui Dang, Gang Liu, Ye Yuan, Jie Liu, Qingchen Wang: A Method for Obtaining White LED Sprctrum Suitable for Colour Protection Illumination on Chinese Traditional Paintings, 2016.
Rui Dang, Gang Liu, Miao Liu, Zhe Liu, Chen Luo: Multi-parameter Monitoring System in Building Physical Environment, 2014.
Gang Liu, Rui Dang, Miao Liu, Zhe Liu, Chen Luo: Multi-parameter Monitoring Method in Building Physical Environment, 2014.
Jian Ma, Rui Dang, Gang Liu: Residential Zone Nighttime Light Environment Detection System Based on Remote Control Vehicle Platform, 2011.
Gang Liu, Rui Dang, Lixiong Wang, Tianxing Shen, Mingyu Zhang, Xinghua Guo: Residential Zone Nighttime Light Environment Detection Software Based on Remote Control Vehicle Platform, 2012.