- 教师名称:焦魁
- 教师拼音名称:Jiao Kui
- 出生日期:1984-06-16
- 性别:男
- 职务:国家储能技术产教融合创新平台常务副主任
- 职称:教授
- 邮编:
45. Z Gong, B Wang, Y Xu, M Ni, Q Gao, Z Hou, J Cai, X Gu, X Yuan, K Jiao*. Adaptive optimization strategy of air supply for automotive polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell in life cycle, Applied Energy 325, 119839 (2022).
上一条:44. X Li, Y Hou, C Wu, Q Du, K Jiao*. Interlink among catalyst loading, transport and performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: a pore-scale study. Nanoscale Horizons 7, 255-266 (2022). 下一条:46. L Fan, Y Wang*, K Jiao*. Enhancing oxygen transport in the ionomer film on platinum catalyst using ionic liquid additives. Fundamental Research 2, 230-236 (2022).