- 教师名称:焦魁
- 教师拼音名称:Jiao Kui
- 出生日期:1984-06-16
- 性别:男
- 职务:国家储能技术产教融合创新平台常务副主任
- 职称:教授
- 邮编:
4. W Huo, L Fan, Y Xu, M Benbouzid, W Xu, F Gao*, W Li, N Shan, B Xie, H Huang, B Liu, Y Amirat, C Fang, X Li, Q Gan, F Li*, K Jiao*. Digitally-assisted structure design of a large-size proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Energy & Environmental Science. DOI: 10.1039/d4ee04713c (2024).
上一条:3. C Tongsh, S Wu, K Jiao*, W Huo, Q Du, Jae Wan Park, J Xuan, H Wang, Nigel P. Brandon, Michael D. Guiver *. Fuel cell stack redesign and component integration radically increase power density. Joule 8, 1, 175-192 (2023). 下一条:5. G Zhang, Z Qu*, W Tao, X Wang, L Wu, S Wu, X Xie, C Tongsh, W Huo, Z Bao, K Jiao*, Y Wang*. Porous Flow Field for Next-Generation Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Materials, Characterization, Design, and Challenges. Chemical Reviews 123, 989-1039 (2020).