- 教师名称:焦魁
- 教师拼音名称:Jiao Kui
- 出生日期:1984-06-16
- 性别:男
- 职务:国家储能技术产教融合创新平台常务副主任
- 职称:教授
- 邮编:
28. G Zhang, L Wu, C Tongsh, Z Qu*, S Wu, B Xie, W Huo, Q Du, H Wang, L An, N Wang, J Xuan, W Chen*, F Xi, Z Wang, K Jiao*. Structure Design for Ultrahigh Power Density Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. Small Methods 7, 3, 2201537 (2023).
上一条:27. B Xie, H Zhang, W Huo, R Wang, Y Zhu, L Wu, G Zhang*, M Ni*, K Jiao*. Large-scale three-dimensional simulation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell considering detailed water transition mechanism. Applied Energy 331, 120469 (2023). 下一条:29. L Wu, G Zhang*, B Xie, W Huo, K Jiao*, L An*. Elucidating the automobile proton exchange membrane fuel cell of innovative double-cell structure by full-morphology simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 217, 124666 (2023).