- 教师名称:张睿
- 教师拼音名称:Zhang Rui
- 出生日期:1981-12-25
- 性别:女
- 职称:讲师
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Instructor of Top 100, the rookies' award for achi students. Project: City • Cheese • Weaving shuttle in Historic District. Held by: Asian Architectural Rookies Organizing Committee.2014.09
上一条:Instructor of 3rd prize, UIA-HYP Cup 2014 International Student Competition in Architectural Design, Project: The Ring in the Rain: Come across the Sound of Sky. International Supporter : Union International des Architectes (UIA). 2014.09 下一条:Instructor of 3rd prize, UIA-HYP Cup 2014 International Student Competition in Architectural Design. Project: Wander. International Supporter: Union International des Architectes (UIA). 2015.09