- 教师拼音名称:Xiaoli Wu
- 出生日期:1983-10-06
- 职务:纳米生物医学教研组组长
- 性别:女
- 职称:副教授
Upregulation of OX40 ligand on monocytes contributes to early virological control in patients with chronic hepatitis C: impact on sustained virological control
- 发表刊物:European Journal of Imuunology
- 合写作者:Yang B, Wang Y, Feng GH, Jiang TJ, Zeng QL, Xu XS, Li YY, Jin L, Lv S, Zhang Z, Fu J,
- 第一作者:Jiyuan Zhang,Xiaoli Wu
- 论文类型:Unit Twenty Basic Research
- 通讯作者:Fusheng Wang
- 是否译文:否