- 教师拼音名称:Xiaoli Wu
- 出生日期:1983-10-06
- 职务:纳米生物医学教研组组长
- 性别:女
- 职称:副教授
- bdf4cd70a807cfa65aac027886d2ac66a98aaed7ecd62b31e574e4b3a8265019f195d59c49291c020f984fb407f4256d227ae85ff08ccfaecd9107146c3cdc956342a15eebb064b2f490ebc9340f096d96b5f05dd75538dcef21770fcd58ffca9dab721e2b84293f72c4ebd1b5ca2c291447aaefd0d0de960de84f478fc69d96
Xiaoli Wu, Jiyuan Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Ang Huang, Song Zhang, Fusheng Wang, Zhinan Yin Decreased V2 T cells associate with liver damage through regulating Th17 production in chronic hepatitis B patients J. Infectiouse Diseases 2013 Oct 15;208(8):1294-304
Jiyuan Zhang, Xiaoli Wu, Bin Yang, Zheng Zhang, Fusheng Wang Upregulation of OX40 ligand on monocytes contributes to early virological control in patients with chronic hepatitis C: impact on sustained virological control European J. Immunology (co-author) 2013 Jul;43(7):1953-62