· 2011.10 - 2012.10
Johns Hopkins University - 医学 - 在Johns Hopkins University医学院纳米中心 进行为期一年的粘液渗透纳米粒子的制备和治疗作用研究。
· 2007.9 - 2009.7
Tianjin University - School of Material Science and Engineering - 硕士 - Focus on the preparation of micro and nanopartilces
· 2009.9 - 2013.1
Tianjin University - Schoole of Material Science and Engineering - 博士 - Focus on the application of micro- and nano- technology in the detection of biomocules (such as the nucleic acid and protein)核酸等生物分子的体外检测技术的学习研究。
· 2003.9 - 2007.7
Tianjin University - School of Material Science and Engineering - 学士 - Major in the polymer scicence and engineering.
· 2018.6- 至今
生命科学学院 → 天津大学  → 支部书记 → 副教授
· 2013.9 - 2019.12
School of life sciences → Tianjin University 
· The thearpy of disease in the organs with mucus covered based on the mucus-penetrating nanoparticles。
· The detection of biomolecules(such as nucleic acid, protein) bsaed on the micro- and nano- technology;
Xiaoqun Gong was born in 1984. She obtained her B.S., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree all from Tianjin University, China, and as a visiting student, she studied in John Hopkins University for one year. Now, she is an assistant professor in School of Life Sciences in Tianjin University. Her research interest is focused on nanoparticels preparation for biomolecules detection and drug delivery. Currently, she particularly contributes her research to the
biosensors and controlled drug release. She published about 40 papers and has 3 patents.