- 教师名称:余林玲
- 教师拼音名称:Yu Linling
- 性别:女
- 职务:Supervisor of Master student
- 学科:Biochemistry Engineering
- 职称:讲师
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Since graduating as a PhD in Biochemical Engineering in 2013, Yu Linling has been working a lecturer in Tianjin University, focusing on the investigation of protein interfacial behaviors in pharmaceutical protein production and new drug development, such as protein chromatography, protein folding and aggregation, etc. Major Achievements include: 1) H-index 10 (H-index 7 for non-self-citations of papers as first author or corresponding author); 2) Investigation on protein chromatography: A mechanism named “chain delivery” effect for the fast protein mass transfer was first proposed, and several novel polyelectrolyte-modified resins with salt tolerance, high binding capacity, and rapid mass transfer were designed. A review about protein behavior at chromatographic surfaces was published in Journal of Chromatography A by invited (non-self-citation was 19), as well as another invited review about protein chromatography with grafted polymeric ligands was published in CIESC Journal; 3) Investigation on protein folding and aggregation for the development of inhibition strategies of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ) aggregation, in order to help the curing Alzheimer's disease (AD).
- 暂无内容
- The 8th Young Teachers' Teaching Competition in the College of Chemical Engineering in Tianjin University, 2015
- Excellent supervisor of Undergraduate Graduation Design (Thesis) in Tianjin University, 2018
- Elite Scholar Program in Tianjin University, 2016
- 131 innovative talent training project in Tianjin, 2017
- Yangyang Zhao, Xiaoyan Dong*, Linling Yu, Yang Liu, Yan Sun*, Implications from protein adsorption onto anion- and cation-exchangers derivatized by modification of poly(ethylenimine)-Sepharose FF with succinic anhydride. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 132: 79–89..2019
- Ming Li, Linling Yu, Yang Liu, Yan Sun*: High uptake rate and extremely salt- tolerant behavior of protein adsorption to 900 kDa poly(allylamine)-modified Sepharose FF. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 134: 94–100..2019
- Linling Yu, Yan Sun*, Adsorptive protein chromatography with grafted polymeric ligands (Invited review), CIESC Journal, 2016, 67(1): 140-151..2019
- Qiuhong Zhai, Linling Yu*, Yan Sun, Effect of counterions on protein adsorption to partial neutralization poly(ethylenimine)-grafted Sepharose FF, CIESC Journal, 2017, 68 (11): 4178−4185..2019
- Detao Han, Shu Bai, Lingli Gong, Linling Yu*, Yan Sun, Effect of counterions on protein adsorption and elution of DEAE-dextran modified Sepharose FF, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2018, 37 (1): 260–268..2019
- Shu Bai, Lingli Gong, Detao Han, Yutong Li, Linling Yu*, Yan Sun: Protein adsorption onto diethylaminoethyl dextran modified anion exchanger: Effect of ionic strength and column behavior, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26: 259–267..2019
- Na Liu, Zi-Yuan Wang, Lin-Ling Yu*, Yan Sun*, Characterization of novel mixed-mode protein adsorbents fabricated from benzoyl-modified polyethyleneimine-grafted Sepharose, Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1372(1): 157–165.2019
- Yan Hong#, Na Liu#, Wei Wei, Lin-Ling Yu*, Guang-Hui Ma, Yan Sun*, Protein adsorption to poly(ethylenimine)-modified Sepharose FF: III. Comparison between different proteins, Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1342 (1): 30-36.2019
- Linling Yu#, Na Liu#, Yan Hong, Yan Sun*, Protein adsorption and chromatography on novel mixed-mode resins fabricated from butyl-modified poly(ethylenimine)-grafted Sepharose. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 135(1): 223-231..2019
- Linling Yu#, Lin Zhang#, Yan Sun*, Protein behavior at surfaces: Orientation, conformational transitions and transport; Journal of Chromatography A (Review, Editors’ choice issue), 2015, 1382(1): 118-134..2019
- Linling Yu, Lingli Gong, Shu Bai, Yan Sun*, Surface DEAE Groups Facilitate Protein Transport on Polymer Chains in DEAE-Modified-and-DEAE-Dextran-Grafted Resins, AIChE Journal, 2016, 62(10): 3812-3819..2019