- 教师名称:余林玲
- 教师拼音名称:Yu Linling
- 性别:女
- 职务:Supervisor of Master student
- 学科:Biochemistry Engineering
- 职称:讲师
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Linling Yu#, Lin Zhang#, Yan Sun*, Protein behavior at surfaces: Orientation, conformational transitions and transport; Journal of Chromatography A (Review, Editors’ choice issue), 2015, 1382(1): 118-134.
上一条:Linling Yu#, Na Liu#, Yan Hong, Yan Sun*, Protein adsorption and chromatography on novel mixed-mode resins fabricated from butyl-modified poly(ethylenimine)-grafted Sepharose. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 135(1): 223-231. 下一条:Linling Yu, Lingli Gong, Shu Bai, Yan Sun*, Surface DEAE Groups Facilitate Protein Transport on Polymer Chains in DEAE-Modified-and-DEAE-Dextran-Grafted Resins, AIChE Journal, 2016, 62(10): 3812-3819.