Mostofa KMG, Yoshioka T, Konohira E, Tanoue E (2007a) Dynamics and characteristics of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the groundwater, river and lake water. Water Air Soil Pollution 184:157-176
上一条:Mostofa KMG, Yoshioka T, Konohira E, Tanoue E (2007b) Photodegradation of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in river waters. Geochemical Journal 41:323-331
下一条:Yoshioka T, Mostofa KMG, Konohira E, Tanoue E, Hayakawa K, Takahashi M, Ueda S, Katsuyama M, Khodzher T, Bashenkhaeva N, Korovyakova I, Sorokovikova L, Gorbunova L (2007) Distribution and characteristics of molecular size fractions of freshwater dissolved organic matter in watershed environments: Its implication to degradation. Limnology 8:29-44