M. G. Mostofa Khan
- 教师拼音名称:Golam Mostofa KHAN
- 出生日期:1969-06-15
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
- 所属院系:地球系统科学学院
- 275366179e65ea391e5d19df0c78e5e3f6c8c89b2d8d8a2d1f62d84f9c0e9a1fbf1550111483dc3306b670598a84947d3329d04464066fcc31eb36770108599e7269f0f27d682951706353f108f7fab8f7e42509bb95b7e26f015db53d0521f9105524a3969e8a852becfe900da016075b3ac2af99ab4b93571ff18532627cf9
- 2a261902543fce426c5ec8d44986afba7756731c5f072f2d9ec7e99f23ec4fdd34de5e0e4085018bf6b6128dfff7e7bee182ccc7abddeaf6629c0523ec517d0ab9b4f992dd1958380c86e954a429b310b7bbfdcae7c3e568356a58f4ac0b9b5ed7ffc2cf4e30e7a0ecc2e8781b1d540df8c59b6c93ff805f18d09c8eff0e60bd
- 8c29f6d05c24501ca5c0b6fb0d49a5a7220fa4abdc62194fd03b626cf1c597f87e0bde831d9c8b1f74fc99a4e75bafa01029b9ec760326ac4293f05d163097c350d06aeda71b808f1be45b5ed439a7143466e95b83f16881dbc388ad6860336feb224f88fd1fcdd9867eea6a631307cd3233a3efd567a707a81d47667ac8318a
· Ayenia TT, Iwamoto Y, Takeda K, Sakugawa H, Mostofa KMG (2022) Optical properties of dissolved organic matter in Japanese Rivers and their contributions to the photoformation of reactive oxygen species. Science of the Total Environment 826:153671
· Ge J, Qi Y, Hu Q, Yi Y, Ma J, Li C, Mostofa KMG, Volmer DA, Li S (2022) Fluorescence and Molecular Signatures of Dissolved Organic Matter to monitor and to Assess its multiple sources from a Polluted River in the Farming-Pastoral Ecotone of Northern China. Science of the Total Environment (accepted)
· Yang X, Yuan J, Yue F-J, Li S, Wang B, Mohinuzzaman M, Liu Y, Senesi N, Lao X, Li L, Liu CQ, Ellam RM, Vione D, Mostofa KMG* (2021) New insights into mechanisms of sunlight- and dark-mediated high-temperature can accelerate diurnal production-degradation transformation of lake fluorescent DOM. Science of the Total Environment 760: 143377
· Zhang Y, Zhang R, Li S-L, Mostofa KMG, Fu X, Ji H, Liu W, Sun P (2021) Photo−ammonification of Low Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic Nitrogen by Direct and Indirect Photolysis. Science of the Total Environment. 764, 142930
· Han Z, Xiao M, Yue F, Yi Y., Mostofa KMG (2021) Seasonal Variations of Dissolved Organic Matter by Fluorescent Analysis in a Typical River Catchment in Northern China. Water 13, 494.
· Yi Y, Zhong J, Bao H, Mostofa KMG, Xu S, Xiao H-Y, Li S (2021) The impacts of reservoirs on the sources and transport of riverine organic carbon in karst area: a multi-tracer study. Water Research 194, 116933
· Kabir MM, Akter S, Ahmed FT, Mohinuzzaman M, Alam MD, Mostofa KMG et al. (2021) Salinity-induced fluorescence dissolved organic matter influence co-contamination, quality and risk to human health of tube well water in southeast coastal Bangladesh. Chemosphere 130053 (accepted)
· Mohinuzzaman M, Yuan J, Yang X, Senesi N, Mostofa KMG*, Liu CQ (2020) Insights into Solubility of Soil Humic Substances and Their Fluorescence Characterisation in Three Characteristic Soils. Science of the Total Environment. 720: 137395
· Minella M, Mostofa MGM, Liu CQ, Vione D (2020) An Estimate of the Possible Impacts of Superoxide Chemistry on Seawater pH: A Mapping Exercise. Advances in Chemical Research. 2(1):13; doi:10.21926/obm.acr.2001004
· Yi Y, Xiao M, Mostofa KMG, Xu S, Wang ZL (2019) Spatial variations of trace metals and their complexation behavior with DOM in the water of Dianchi Lake, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, 4919; doi:10.3390/ijerph16244919