Dong Feng*, Xu Cong, Zhang Zhiqiang, Ren Shangjie, Design of Parallel Electrical Resistance Tomography System for Measuring Multiphase Flow. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012(April). 20(2): pp. 368-379.
上一条:Ren Shangjie, Xu Yaoyuan, Tan Chao and Dong Feng*, Reconstructing the geometric configuration of three dimensional interface using electrical capacitance tomography, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013, Vol.96, No.10, pp.628–644.
下一条:Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng*, Tan Chao and Xu Yaoyuan, A boundary element approach to estimate the free surface in stratified two-phase flow, Measurement Science and Technology, 2012(May), Vol.23, No.10, pp.105401(10pp).